Chapter Eight- Paper Birds And A Valentine Card?

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Antoinette and I were finishing up our Potions homework in the library or at least trying to because neither of us could stop thinking about the upcoming Yule Ball. I try to help my best friend with her Potions essay and the reading but she just waves off her school work for the first in her life. 

In the middle of the library, we sit talking about the ball.

"Who do you think is going to ask you Ella and who do you want to ask you?" she questions me excitedly.

"Personally I don't think that anyone would want to go with me because I'm Draco Malfoy's younger sister, but if I could name someone who I'd want to ask me...I'm not quite sure. What about you Anntoinette?"

"I'm not quite sure who's going to ask me but personally I am kind of hoping that it will be your brother."

"Oooh Antoinette, fancies someone!"  I tease in an overdramatic voice.

"Shut up Elizabeth Malfoy! Because everyone knows that you and Seamus fancy each other but can't admit it."

"We do not!" I say with a small blush creeping up my neck that I manage to hide with my hair.

We both turn to the sound of a voice behind us, "You're joking right, Granger? You actually think that anyone especially a pureblood no less would ask you to the Yule Ball?!"

Antoinette turns around back to face me all embarrassed before whispering, "I think he heard me Ella, and thinks I'm lame for saying what I said about the ball."

"I'm not so sure that he finds you lame Antoinette, because sometimes when my brother actually is thinking something else he behaves badly for a different reason, usually when it has something to do with an uncomfortable emotion."

"So you think that he likes me then and may or may not ask me to the Yule Ball?"

"I don't think it, Antoinette, I know it!"


"He told me once on accident in second year that he fancies you."

"Bloody hell! Are you kidding me right now Elizabeth?!"

"Of course not! Why would I lie to you about something like that?"

Just then a note appears in the form of a flying paper bird and lands in Antoinette's hair, I fish it out of her hair and hand it to her it reads:

Just then a note appears in the form of a flying paper bird and lands in Antoinette's hair, I fish it out of her hair and hand it to her it reads:

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We both turn around as my best friend raises an eyebrow at the puzzling note before pulling out a piece of paper from her jeans pocket, that I recognize as her Valentine's Day poem from my brother. She unfolds it and looks back and forth at both handwritings before turning to me asking, "Ella, the handwriting for both notes is the same and I don't even know who wrote me the first one in first year."

"Yeah, you do I told you!"

"No, you didn't Ella!"

I turn around quickly and give my brother a suspicious look before raising an eyebrow at him, he looks puzzled as I glare at him. I nod at my best muggle-born friend and he blushes a little not giving me a specific answer on whether or not he was the culprit. I sigh and turn around before saying to Antoinette, "Who do you think the handwriting belongs to? And I'll tell you if it's correct or not."

"And if I guess wrong will you tell me who really sent them?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die!" I say with a laugh and crossing my heart with my pointer finger.

"I really think that this is pretty far fetched but did Malfoy do it?"

"Antoinette, why would I be into you? You know that I have feelings for Seamus Finnigan! Oh, shit did I just say that out loud?!"

Antoinette snickers and says, "Yeah, you did Ells, oh my god that is way too funny! And I meant did Draco send them to me?"

I smile and say, "If I told you yes he did what would you say?"
"I'd say that you're a liar Elizabeth Malfoy!"

"Then I'd call you a know-"

I then attempt to grab another paper bird from her hair but instead it flys right into her hands, she opens it rather carefully and it says:


Antoinette looks at me and her face is flushed with anger which could only mean that she was going to explode if I did not get her out of here, but before I can she shouts, "What the bloody hell is with all the notes Ella?!"

"I told you what's up with them it's my older brother he really genuinely is into you but struggles to admit it much."

"He should just ask me in person then if he wants me to go with him."

"Anntio-" I'm cut off when someone walks up behind my best friend and gently pulls one of her blonde curls so it bounces back up, she turns around and punches my brother in the face without even looking to see who it was.

"OUCH Granger, I thought that we were on better terms now? Since the first time that you punched me in your second year." Draco says jokingly referring to the time when she'd punched him for making jokes about BuckBeak.

"What the hell Malfoy?!" she says turning bright pink.

My brother holds his nose that is pretty red before he tucks a chunk of her blonde hair behind her ear and leans in to whisper something, "Will you answer me now Granger?"

"About what?"
"Didn't you read the notes Antoinette?" he asks clearly becoming exasperated.

"Which ones?"

"All three of them?"

"All three of them?"

"Yes, all three! Like for example the valentine I sent you in your first year, and the second a few minutes ago in bird form."

She's speechless for a few seconds before turning to me saying, "So actually telling the truth Ells!"

"Of course I was now answer the man already!"

"That...that..was you who sent me that note Malfoy? All three of them?!"

My brother nods his cheeks are burning as he looks down at his feet before saying softly, "Mmmhmm."

" don't understand it! Why would you ask me? I'm just a filthy little mudblood to you."

"Blimey Granger, just answer the bloody question!"

"I'm sorry Malfoy, but I can't go with you I'm going solo unless someone else asks me. Someone else who actually cares about me asks me to go! Either that or I just won't go at all." 

"Why not Antoinette?" he says softly almost on the verge of breaking.

"I think you already know the answer to that Draco! Now if you'll excuse me I really must get my school work finished!"

When she's walked out completely my brother's grey eyes are full of sadness unlike anything I've ever seen in them, but then he pulls himself together and walks out the door as well.

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