Ugh why am I falling

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"That was pretty smooth." Aiden said wrapping his hand around my shoulder.

"Really, you don't think It was to much?" I asked

"No it was the perfect amount of cute and awkward." Aiden laughed.

"Oh shut up." I pushed his arm and he stumbled a little.

"I'm gonna pretend that didn't hurt and suggest we go get some lunch." my face fell a little bit, "come of jessy don't let the social anxiety stop you from eating, we can go get the food and then eat in the van if that makes you feel more comfortable." Aiden said with a small smile, I nodded and he grabbed my hand as we walked towards catering.

"I can't do it aiden." I looked down at my shaking hands and wobbling knees.

"That's ok, would you like me to it for you?" Aiden asked, gently rubbing circles on my hand.

"Yeah, thanks." I stuttered as I watched Aiden walk up to get our food.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." somebody said as they pushed past me and I could feel the tears puddling in my eyes and my hands began to go numb. Aiden looks to see me from the other side of the room. he quickly puts our food down and runs over to me, scooping me up bridal style and carried me back outside.

"Breath in, breath out. try to keep Pace with me." Aiden said into my ear as he held me. I started to regain feeling in my hands but I couldnt stand up quite straight.

"Hey guys what up, wait why are you crying jessy?" Dave asked looking real concerned. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

"It's nothing Dave but will you help me get her back to the van?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah no problem man." Dave responded. Aiden picked me up again and I wrapped my legs around him. as we were walking back to the van we passed jenna, I started crying more, she can't see me like this she will think I'm crazy. I nuzzled my face into Aidens neck and hoped she wouldn't see me.

When we finally reached the van Aiden laid me down a wrapped me up in a blanket and kissed my forehead. "hey Dave will you stay with her while I go get her something to drink." Aiden asked dave.

"Yeah no problem, I'll keep an eye on little jessy for ya." Dave responded

"Thanks short stuff, I'll be right back." Aiden said.

Aidens point of view
She can't be getting bad again, good things just started to happen for us. maybe it's a one time thing, no big deal, I just have to make sure she's ok tonight. I was walking so fast and to in my own head I didn't realize I walked straight into somebody.

"What's with you people running into me." jenna laughed. I looked down, I had made her spill her coke all over herself.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry let me get you some napkins." I began to get some stuff to clean her up with.

"Honestly it's no problem, I needed to change anyway, I smelt like a middle school boys locker room. but oh what happened to Jessica, she looked like she was crying?"

"Umm it's kinda complicated and I'm not sure if she wants people knowing." I looked up at her.

"Oh that's ok." she looked really disappointed.

"Um but maybe you can text her later, maybe not today though." I looked at her and she was smiling again.

"Ok will do." she cheered.

I looked down at my hands and saw 2 waters, "I should probably get back to her." raising the waters in the air.

"Yeah probably, I'll catch ya later." jenna said and walked away.

I continued walking back to the van and saw Matt standing outside.

"Is she ok man, it's not happening again is it?" Matt asked looking genuinely concerned.

"Umm yeah I don't think it will happen again, something just set her off. but I got these, hopefully the rest of the night will go smoothly." I held up the waters.

"That's good, now go tend to your woman." Matt joked.

"She not my woman." I mumbled, of course I had a crush on her at one point but she doesn't like guys and I would much rather have her as my best friend. I stepped into the van seeing her curled up on the bench.

"Hey your back." Dave stated.

"Yeah thanks for watching her."

"No problem man, hopefully she's ok." Dave said half smiling.


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