I guess we both have buses ;)

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Smut warning
On the way the Jenna's bus we never unlocked our hands, practically running we made it to her bus. jenna forcefully pushed me up against the wall of her bus, I wrapped my legs around her and she continued to kiss down my neck. Jenna's eyes came back to mine.

"Inside." I breathed heavily. jenna didn't put me down, she fumbled with the door finally getting it open and carried me up the stairs, never taking her mouth off mine.

Jenna placed me down on the couch, "what about the guys?" I asked her between kisses.

"They are out for the night...." she went back to kissing my neck. "we are good." jenna said running her hand up my shirt. with all of my force I flipped us over, giving me a few seconds to look at how beautiful jenna is.

Am I really going to lose my virginity to her, the girl I love, who is amazingly talented and beautiful and nice. I felt my heart start to beat faster as I went down to kiss her neck, instantly getting a moan out of her. something happened, something started to change, when jenna started to take my shirt off I started to panic. but I wanted this, I really wanted this. why can't anything good happen to me.

The tears started to form in my eyes. "jessica, jessy, jess. baby what wrong, we don't have to do this. we might be moving to fast." jenna looked up at me, she sarge to sit up. wrapping her hands around my back, she held me.

"It's ok jess, I love you, we don't have to do anything. everything is gonna be ok." she lulled into my ear. I could feel my heart rate coming down.

"I'm so sorry jenna.... I really wanted to...."

"Hey hey, it's ok. it's not your fault." she said rubbing her hand on my arm. "I'm gonna go grab you some clothes an we can have a movie night."

Jenna hoped up leaving me alone in the lounge. I grabbed my phone off the couch and texted aiden.

Hey I'm staying with jenna tonight, don't worry.

Jenna came back with a paramore sweatshirt and booty shorts.

"I hope you don't mind, it's the only thing that's clean." jenna smiled.

"It's fine." I headed to the bathroom to get changed, as I came back I heard jenna on the phone, I didn't want to be nosy, but it was to tempting.

"It's just I really like her....... I'm not sure what I did............ she's sometime really fragile, it's not a bad thing, sometimes it makes me feel important, like she needs me...... I need her too, I'm not sure she knows that.......... I want to love her like I've never been hurt but that's never gonna happen." I can hear jenna start to cry. "why can't I open up to people.......... I want her to know me.... more than she does now....... why am I such a freak show." and with that jenna hung up the phone, she turned around and saw me peaking around the corner.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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