The bus

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A week later
Ok so me and Jenna have been really good, no more making out but we have been getting really close. Our bus is getting here today so me and the guys are packing up the van getting ready for the move, then I feel my phone vibrate.

Jenna: hey what's up, wanna hang out since today is an off day?
Me: I'm sorry I'm helping the guys move stuff to the bus.
Jenna: oh big shot now;) jk, can I help you?
Me: yeah we could use all the arms we can get :)
Jenna: ok I'm on my way xx

I put my phone back in my pocket and start putting our clothes back into suit cases, I can't believe we lived like this, it's nasty. I soon felt a pair of arms around my waist and a face nuzzled into my neck.

"I'm not gonna get finished packing if you keep interrupting me." I groaned as jenna swung us side to side.

"Would you really mind." she giggled.

"Every other day I wouldn't mind, but I really want to get out of this stinky van." I laughed sticking my tongue out at her.

"Well I'm here to help, what can I do?" Jenna asked.

"The guys are moving gear, but you can help me fold up all the blankets." I smiled at her.

"Will do," she giggled, "would you like to go out tonight, like after all of this is done, maybe catch a movie?" Jenna looked down at the blankets she was folding.

"I would love to." I said back.

My phone starting ringing.

"Hey zach, whats up."
"Look who got a hot date." I can hear Zach laughing through the phone.
"If this isn't important I'm gonna hang up."
"No, no, can you not go through my stuff in the van, I'm pretty sure in my blankets is Star Wars underwear. I don't want people knowing about that"

As if on cue I look up a jenna who is holding a pair of starwars boxers in the air.

"To late zach, jenna already found them." I laughed.
"Ugh..." and the phone line went dead.

"Who's are these?" She laughed.

"Zachs." i snatched the boxers from her hand laughing, "he doesn't want people to know about them."

"To late" she laughed.

We went back to packing things, soon I looked up to jenna holding a black lacy bra in her hand.

"This is hot," she winked at me. "like dark emo chick hot." she growled at me. my face turned bright red as she started to laugh. "you should let me see you in it." she whispered in my ear and shivers went up my spine. (I will be noting this and wearing that bra later)

"Ok ok, break it up." Aiden said as he scooted into the van.

"Ugh you ruin all the fun." jenna groaned.

"Call me buzzkill." Aiden laughed.

"So are you ready to be getting out of the van?" Jenna asked.

"So ready oh my god..." aiden continued talking to jenna but all I could think about was breaking in my new bed with jenna.

Obviously jenna could see I was flustered, "your sexually frustrated face is super cute." jenna smirked.

I threw my face into my pillow in front of me. while pulling my hands over my ears.

"Awe come on sweetie." Jenna rubbed my are. I responded with mumbling into the pillow.

"I'm gonna go help the guys finish unloading." Aiden said tapping my leg and the leaving.

Jenna got up and straddled my back. she rested her head on my shoulder. rubbing circles into my shoulder blades. I mumbled a soft moan into the pillows.

"Come on, barley even touched you." jenna laughed. I flipped myself over so I was looking up at her. she was so beautiful. she lowered herself down the me. i playfully bit her lip.

"God I want you so bad," jenna looked down at me and licked her lips. she started kissing me again, her tongue ran across my lower lip begging from entry, i denied gaining a grunt from her as she ran her hand across my stomach. my mouth opened from a moan that jenna took advantage of by sticking her tongue right into my mouth.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"My bus now" she demanded.

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