Chapter 3 - Konohagakure

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I Don't Own Naruto!...Still wish I did...I only own my characters, so I'm cool with that too X)

Checking my map once more, I led us to a road that should end at Leaf village after another mile.

By now I had Chi revert to the size of a puppy for Emiko to carry as to not arouse suspicion or panic because of his normal size, which was a little bigger than me. It might not cause very much panic to begin with but considering we would otherwise show up as two young girls with a possibly dangerous and large wolf with us with no adult of any kind, umm, no, I would rather not. It would raise too many questions.

The same thing had happened before and people were in hysterics. It was really annoying so we just left that town and traveled as usual until we learned a jutsu for changing one’s size without appearance like the transformation jutsu.

Chi was able to shift his size down to that of a normal dog or puppy at will thanks to a jutsu I had found in one of the many jutsu scrolls I had. For the past year Chi and I had been working together a lot while learning jutsus to use together and separately. I have read through and mastered almost all the advanced and forbidden jutsus in the scrolls I had, not including the forbidden jutsus with bad consequences. No, I just read them and kept them at the back of my mind in case of need which I hoped would never come.

When the gates came into view Emiko let out a small gasp. I could feel the village was very big and had a lot of people. No doubt by the time we entered her eyes would be popping out.

As we reaches the entrance of the village a ninja came up to us. I could tell by his chakra level that he was a chunin. I had long before suppressed my own chakra. I knew my level would be suspicious considering my age an all because the same thing had happened when we had run in with ninja near the Land of Waves some odd months ago. But since we had left our home I had trained hard every day to grow stronger. To protect Emiko. I had to. And even before we had left home, I was at jonin level already, or at least what my village deemed jonin level to be, which was quite powerful.

"Halt! Please state your purpose before entering the village please." The chunin asked.

I turned my head in his direction. "We would like to speak with the person in charge." I said emotionlessly. I talked emotionlessly to everyone except Emiko and sometimes Chi. It was usual for me now since I had lost my trust in others.

“This way then." He said. "Kotetsu! I'll be back." He shouted over to his comrade in a little shelter by the gates.

“What! You took that last group of people, it’s my turn Izumo.” His partner said and came running up to us and pointed an accusing finger at Izumo. ‘Guess that’s his name.’

“Yeah, but that was days ago.”

“You just want to leave me here to die of boredom.”

“No I-“

“Can you two do this later?” I interrupted.

“Oh, yeah.” Izumo replied while rubbing the back of his head.

The other jonin, Kotetsu I believe, trudged back over by the gates grumbling.

Izumo then started leading us threw the village and I could hear the ooohhs and awes from Emiko every two seconds. Her eyes must have stars by now.

I could feel eyes on us the whole time. 'What? Do they never get strangers or something?' Then I heard “So cute!” from some of the people passing us by. 'Oh. That explains it.' I thought. Emiko always was cute. Made it hard to say 'No' to her.

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