Chapter Thirty- One: Month Four & Park Time

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  • Dedicated to All My readers

|Song for the Chapter: If it's Dead, then we'll Kill It.| 


Four months down and more to go. Ricky and I were making plans that we should go to a park and have picnic. I texted the girl, as he texted the boys. I walked upstairs, and saw that Jace was already awake and playing with his toy cars. I quickly gave him a bath and got him dressed in a sweater and some jeans. I was dressed in a white knee- length skirt, with a deep red sweater. I pulled on my black vans and Ricky was already in the car. I locked up the car and we all got inside the car. We drove, singing along to SWS, blasting in the car. I smiled and held on to Ricky’s hand. We got to the park and saw that Allie and Ryan had already gotten there. We parked and got out of the car. Jace ran to Ryan, who picked him up spun him around. Jace started to laugh, which caused us all to chuckle a bit. Chris had picked up everyone else, so now everyone was here. Angelo stopped by with Kelly, and himself and Chris started a barque .

“Mommy?” I heard a voice call out, I was talking to Allie and saw that Jace and Ricky were on the swings. I smiled and took out my phone taking a picture of the two. Posting it on Instagram, I quickly got a lot of likes and comments. Ricky got hungry and went with Ghost to a nearby store to buy some coke and monster. I went to Jace who was on the playgroup and played with him. Everyone was either talking or taking a photo. I was on the slide with Jace, which was on the other side of the playground.

“Excuse Miss.” I heard a man’s voice. I looked behind me, and saw that it was middle aged man, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

“Um yes.” I answered a bit unsure.

“Yes, you, by the way you look hot.” I scoffed at his choice of words. I looked at him in disgusted. “Oh, Come on, sweetheart don’t be that way.” He said stepping closer.

“Step away.” I said, grabbing Jace, and walking backwards. I hand one hand with Jace, and the other over the stomach. I was in charge of three lives.

“We can have some fun.” He winked.

“You’re a pig.” By this time Jace was hiding behind my legs. The man looked at my legs and smirked.

“You have nice legs, just imagine the rest.” He said. I wanted to vomit, at his words. He grew closer.

“HEY! I looked behind me and was Blaz and Ryan running towards me with the girls. Blaz looked at the guy, and Ryan- Ashley grabbed Jace and held him for me. Allie, Kylie, and Kelly went up to me and side hugged me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing.” Ryan said, just then I looked behind me and saw that Chris and Angelo were looking over at us. Ricky and Ghost were just walking over, and seeing what was going, they placed the items and walked over to the scene. Ricky went up to me and saw Jace who was silently crying. I was in shock and disgusted.

“What’s going on?” Ricky asked, as Ghost went to Blaz.

“This son of a bitch, was harassing Kate and Jace.” Ryan sneered. He took a step towards the man. “I won’t take this lightly. That’s my little sister you’re messing with.” I swear you could see the smoke.

“Aw how cute, I’ll have you know you’re little must’ve got laid, since she has a child. Slut.” He spits towards. I was hurt.

“THAT’S IT.” Blaz, Ryan, Ghost, and Ricky went in and started to beat him up. He soon got scared and ran away. We walked back to the table and heard Chris mutter. “Pussy.” I raised my eyebrows, and they started to serve the chicken. I smiled and thanked Ryan for saving me.

“Anything for family.” He smiled.

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{Sorry if it's too short, I plan on making another chapter today as well. Go ahead and check out my other stories, and my newest one, Burned At Both Ends , it's a Ricky Horror fanfic.}

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