The garden

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Steven's face light up after hearing that.

"Well, come on then, let's go!" he said, pratically dragging Pearl to the

They both jumped onto it, Pearl more so... elegent then the estacit boy.

Pearl sighed, before the light-blue lights appeared around them, letting the two fly up.

Steven never told anyone, but he liked the way the warp-pad made him float, how it made him airless seemingly when he was younger, but now he finds comfort in the colours that surround him. He don't know how to describe it to others, so he don't, only wondering how it always make him feel calm, happy to.

"Ahem" Pearl coughed, gaining the calmed boy's attention, "we are almost there, I suggest yo-"

Not letting the bird mom finish, the warp-pad placed them down somewhere.

"Oh my," Pearl gasped, and she'll be right to. Steven felt his eyes land on the dead place in front of him.

The coloums that were vibrant and pink are now dull and life-less, vines gripping onto them, as if they're afraid of them floating up into space.

The grass was now like water over-flowing a bowl, the roses that were there before were now wilting away. A dark pink in an ugly green meadow.

The fountian though, wasn't the beauty it once was, the clear, calming, beautiful water is all gone, leaving only stains of it's past there, and the fountian itself is in shambles, cracked all over, falling apart too.

"Oh, my " Pearl wishpered silently, but loud enough for Steven to hear, if he wanted to that was, as he was focused on the statue in the middle of it all. It have vines grabbing it's feet, like it will move any second, but it won't. It's a statue...

"Pearl," Steven started, getting her attention, "if that's a statue, the why is it moving?"

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