Chapter 1 (b) - Hello, Goodbye (Ethan)

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05: 00 am

"Argh! For fucks sake" Ethan muttered as he turned on his side in pain and reached to grab his iPhone from his nightstand. Ethan was abruptly awoken from a deep sleep by 20 text messages from Naveen. It must be important if Naveen is texting me every couple of minutes at this time in the morning. Ethan's eyes took a while to adjust to his phone's bright light and he sighed when he started to read Naveen's messages.

Naveen: Ethan, please don't ignore me. I know you are always awake at this time of the morning. I know you requested not to work today, but I need you to come in. We are a doctor short. THIS always happens on this day. Every doctor hates this day.

Ethan: You have managed without doctors before, you'll be fine. Don't try and guilt-trip me Naveen, you know me better than anybody else that it's not going to work.

Naveen: Not today. You know that today is one of our most crucial days in the year. This doctor is a very important part of the team, especially your team. Ethan left Naveen on 'read'. There were only two doctors besides himself he viewed as important at Edenbrook and they were Naveen and Harper, who were both bound to be at work today unless they were lying on their death bed.

Naveen: Ethan, I know you don't want to come into work today because of Primrose, but don't worry about her. Why does he have to mention Primrose to me? Especially this time in the morning? She's the reason why I'm drunk. What does he mean 'don't worry about her'? Where has she gone? Is she okay? Ethan started to feel himself panic, as his mind raced whilst he thought about all the things that could have happened to Primrose.

Ethan: What do you mean?

Naveen: She is the doctor who is not in today. Ethan swallowed hard as he read Naveen's message.

Ethan: Why?

Naveen: She is not feeling well. Ethan's swallowed hard again and could feel his heart sink. His mind raced back to the time when he found her lying face down unconscious and freezing in an alleyway. What if she has collapsed again? What if nobody finds her? Surely her friends are looking after her? Naveen won't let anything happen to Primrose. He knows to look out for her, the way she did for him.

Ethan: Why? What's the matter with her? Ethan didn't bother to hide his true feelings for Primrose to Naveen. It was pointless. It was obvious to many people including Naveen and Harper how much Ethan was in love with Primrose.

Naveen: Nothing, she's okay. She'll be back tomorrow

Ethan: That makes no sense. Naveen, please answer my question. What is wrong with her? She can't be okay if she's not at work. Ethan could feel himself burning up, as he typed his messages furiously and angrily.

Naveen: You know I can't talk to you about another member of staff's sickness. That's bullshit Naveen.

Ethan: I am her manager, so I am entitled to know. What is she's infectious and spreads it to everybody? What if we aren't being protected? Ethan had read Edenbrook's sickness policy drawn up by H.R many times before and he knew exactly what he was privy to know as a manager. He knew he was being patronising towards Naveen at the moment by questioning his intelligence and duty as a Chief, but when it came to Primrose, he had no self-control over his emotions. She literally makes him loose his mind.

Ethan could see that Naveen was trying to type his next text until he eventually left him on 'read'. Bastard, don't you dare ignore my messages, especially when you know I am going to be worrying and panicking all day over her.

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