Chapter 2 (a) - Begin Again (Primrose)

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"Are you sure you're okay to go out tonight?" Jackie screamed outside of Primrose's room, as she got ready inside.

"Yes!" I've been looking forward to this. Nothing is going to stop me from going out tonight. 

"We're just making sure, Primrose. You were so sick and depressed these past couple of days. We don't want to push you" Aurora called out. Aurora had been living with them for the past week and Primrose really enjoyed her company. I'm so glad to be friends with Aurora; she's amazing, Harper and the whole competition really brought out the worst in her.

"I've never felt better" I need this. I want to get back to normal. 

"We can stay at home tonight. We'll order pizza, a couple of beers and binge-watch Gossip Girl on Netflix" Elijah interjected. Awe my friends are so sweet and thoughtful. They'll watch my favourite television series of all time, even though they hate it.  They're all Serena's in my world.

"And I'll bake your favourite cookies" Sienna added. That's tempting.

"Guys, I know you all mean well, but I am feeling much better and I really want to have a good time tonight" Primrose replied, as she put the finishing touches to her outfit. A couple of minutes later, she emerged from her bedroom and her friends' jaws hit the floor, as she they saw her. "I take it I look like a show-stopper in a good way, hopefully?"

"Please become a lesbian, Primrose" Jackie said, as she winked at her. Primrose bit her lips, as she remembered the private times they shared together last year. Good memories.

Primrose hadn't gone to work for the past couple of days. The pain she had experienced after being discharged from the E.R was a lot more agonising than she had anticipated. She was left with blurry vision caused by her migraines, bleeding, loss of appetite and insomnia. She either spent her time lying in bed or on the toilet. Mentally; she couldn't face going to work; she wasn't ready and prepared. She was still grieving from the unexpected loss she had suffered and needed some time for herself. She hadn't told anybody, expect for Naveen. He was a good support system for her and was there for her, as much as she had allowed him to be. I'm ready to face the world and I want to start with lots of drinking. I couldn't drink for these past couple of weeks and my liver has missed alcohol.

"Have you had a boob job" Aurora asked, suspiciously as she stared at her exposed chest. Ah, shit, I totally forgot that my boobs look a lot bigger. They'll reduce and go back down to their normal size, unfortunately. Over the past couple of weeks, Primrose started to fill out. Her hips became wider and her stomach stated to pop out a bit. Her friends became suspicious and she brushed them off with 'I've put on weight. Stressful eating. Tablets I'm on'. Lying the doctors, not a good idea. However, tonight she didn't think her outfit out properly. Whilst, her body had returned to normal, her boobs were still large. 

"Time off the month. They always go bigger" They go bigger but not that much. Primrose had worn an extremely daring and revealing black latex dress. The opening of her dress went down to her navel and barely covered her modesty. Every inch of her was exposed; like she was wearing dental floss. I feel good and happy finally. These past couple of days have been awful, I need to feel like this again. 


"Midnight! Intern year is officially over" Primrose cheered, as she danced with Bryce and took another chug of her cocktail. Primrose hadn't been able to drink alcohol for the past 6 weeks and she felt like she had to learn how to control her drink all over again. 

"Speech, speech, speech, Primrose" Sienna called out . Please not me again.

"Why am I always making the speeches?" Primrose shrugged. I hate being the centre of attention.

"Because of everything you went through during your intern year" Jackie butted in. I'm never going to live my intern year down.

"Argh! Please don't remind me" Seriously, please don't.

"Let's remind her" Elijah teased. Meanie

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll make my speech. As you all know last year was one of the hardest years of my life for reasons I don't want to get into, because I have left them behind in the past. I don't regret helping Theresa, and I know she'd want me to be happy and live my life to the fullest. I'm so happy that Naveen is healthy again. The best thing that ever happened to me last year was meeting you all. You're all my best friends and I couldn't have gotten through this past year and the past couple of days without you all. I love you all, I always will and I have a very good feeling about this year"

"Cringe" Aurora stuck up her tongue

"You have to thank Doctor Ramsey too in your speech. He helped you a lot" Bryce said. Why did you have to mention him? I was enjoying myself now I'm feeling sad all over again.

"I suppose" Ethan did help me out a lot last year, a lot more than my friends could have ever imagined and a lot more than Ethan thinks. It goes beyond him mentoring me, getting Laundry out of my life, helping me with my trial and all the secrets and times we shared. He saved my career and my sanity.

"You're going to be working with him in a couple of hours. How do you feel about that?" I had forgotten in these past couple of hours but now I'm dreading it.

"I haven't thought about him" I'm such a bad liar. Primrose's lie was evident to Sienna, as she whispered to her. "Prim, you're not his rookie anymore. You're now his colleague, so everything is different. Catch my drift?" Primrose didn't answer Sienna. Her mind raced back to two months ago when she spent the night at Ethan's apartment. The only time he was completely hers. That didn't go well for either us afterwards. I'm not going through that again.

"Don't make it too obvious about who you're talking about, because looked who just popped in" Elijah said. Clearly Sienna wasn't whispering quietly enough.

Everybody turned around at the same time to see Ethan walk up to Primrose. Primrose gulped when she saw him. He looks so different. I don't like it. He's completely changed. I wonder if he's going to be the same Ethan I knew and loved. As soon as their eyes meet, Primrose holds her breath and feels as though her heart has broken into a million of pieces all over again. Begin Again


New chapter. I'm not including Ethan in chapter 2. He'll be in chapter 3. Enjoy

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