Chapter 3 (a) - We Meet Again (Primrose)

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"Sienna...Elijah...I can't do this. I thought I was strong enough to be around Ethan but I'm not" Primrose says with a shaky and croaky voice, as she tries desperately hard to wipe away her tears with a tissue. Her tears have now turned into a full-blown waterfall.

"Primrose...It's going to be okay" Elijah says, as he places a tender hand on her shaky hands.

"You're going to be spending a lot of time with Ethan from now on in your new role" Sienna says, as she moves closer to Primrose and pulls in her for a massive bear hug.

"I know...But it's just here. This place. I can't face him with everyone watching us and all the alcohol involved. The booze...the smell...the music...the crowd...the clouding my judgement. I don't think I am going to be able to control myself and I am going to say or do something I regret..."

"...Rookie" Ethan says softly and sweetly, as he interrupts her. As soon as Primrose hears his voice; she develops goosebumps and her eyes widen in surprise. I can smell his Dior Savage perfume; nothing changes then. I wonder how much of my conversation he heard? I can't let him see me like this. I don't want him to see me crying or how affected I am by his presence. Primrose shoots up and stands up straight and tall. She walks away in a perfect straight line like she is being controlled by a remote control.

"PRIMROSE! WAIT! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Ethan yells at her, as she walks away. Walk Primrose, don't run.

"You've got some nerve man!" Bryce says angrily to Ethan. Primrose can hear the commotion loud and clear, as she walks away, but she still doesn't look back. My friends have it under control.

"Yeah, since you left, Primrose has never been the same. You broke her heart, not cool." Elijah says furiously. I've never heard Elijah sound so mad before. I didn't realise Ethan leaving had affected my friends too. Selfish Primrose for not thinking about your friends. She slaps the back of her hand furiously. Naughty Primrose, naughty, naughty.

"I'm going to be sick" Primrose mutters to herself, as she covers her mouth with her arm and runs towards to the Ladies'. Primrose locks herself in one of the stalls and vomits her entire stomach contents. I shouldn't have drunk so much on an empty stomach. I need to eat something. I wonder if I vomited because I am drunk or because of my current condition. Clearly I was too young, dumb and irresponsible. No wonder God didn't want me to keep it. Primrose rests her head against the wall, as she cuddled her tummy and falls asleep.


"Primrose...Primrose...wake up...please wake up..." Primrose slowly opens her eyes, but is blinded by the toilet's bright lights. Her eyes are sore and are struggling to stay open. Once she is fully awake, she sees she is tangled up in someone's arms. It takes her a while to realise that Ethan is the one comforting her whilst he is sobbing. "I thought I lost you Rookie...Omg! My mind went back to the time I found you half-dead in the alleyway."

"Wha-...what...happened?" Primrose asks curiously. The last thing she can remember is falling asleep in the bathroom.

"You're drunk Rookie. You need to sober up" Ethan lifts Primrose easily. He removes his green leather jacket and wraps it across her shoulders. "Come with me" Ethan holds Primrose's hand's tight, as he guides her out of the bathroom and out of the bar. On their way out she passes her friends and she gives them a thumbs up. I wouldn't normally go with a man when I'm this drunk but I trust Ethan. He wouldn't do anything to me. Actually, I could use another drink. I was happier when I was more drunk.

"Where we are going? I want another drink". Primrose lets go of Ethan's hand and makes her way back to the bar, as she blocks out his protests.

"I'll have a triple vodka please" Primrose says to Reggie. Her words are still slurry and she can hardly say a coherent sentence. She has to keep a tight grip against the bar to stop herself from falling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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