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He was dragged through the castle, begging, struggling to keep his feet on the floor because of how fast the two strong men were walking.

People stared, but weren't allowed to say a thing.

If they did, they'd be going right where Ashton was going.

" Please, please let me go! Let me go! Please! I'll leave and never come back, Jack. Just let them stay alive, let my lover be!" Ashton begged.

Jack ignored him and continued to walk, the back of his head and his long purple cape being the only thing Ashton could see of him.

" Do you really think your brother would be okay with you doing this? What would happen to your relationship! It would would destroyed! Is all you care about the throne and your parents!? What about the possible life that's growing inside of him!"

Jacks jaw clenched at that and his eyes glared.

But he didn't reply.

" Jack! Please! Please don't do this to us! Your own brother, your possible niece or nephew!" Ashton yelled.

Jack turned around and socked him once again in the face, colliding his strong fist into Ashton's mouth. It didn't break any of his teeth— thankful. But it did make him bleed. The knight spat blood off to the side and looked up at the prince.

He didn't glare, he didn't show any sign of being angry.

He wasn't angry.

He was scared, worried. All he cared about was his baby and his lover.

" Shut the fuck up or I'll make it tomorrow." Jack growled as he grabbed a rag from his belt and stuffed it into Ashton's mouth. The curly haired male hung his head and finally shut his mouth— though, he had no choice.

They walked deep into the castle, and last a large door that was guarded by knights on both side of it. Ashton has seen enough to know where he was going.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

Long hallways made of thick brick that was impossible to destroy without dynamite.

People deep inside groaning from hunger, thirst— even insanity.

The dungeon.

Jack grabbed a lantern and lit it with the fire from a hanging fire pit and stick.

They ended up in a dark hallway that only had slight light coming from a vent like window at the end of it, it was only lit by the lantern Jack was holding. The 'window' only had three slots, and all you could see was grass and dirt.

The door to Ashton's waiting room was swung open, and he was thrown in harshly onto the dirt floor that barley even had hay to sleep on. He groaned as his head hit the stone brick wall. He pulled the rag from his mouth and watched as they locked his cell.

" The whole time you're here you will receive nothing. You don't deserve it." Is all Jack said before walking off with a glare.

Ashton didn't reply. He just looked away and stared at his pants.

" Sorry mate." One of the men who were restraining him spoke, then the three followed the prince out.

【 Royalty 】♚ Lashton Where stories live. Discover now