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"So are you going to make another move tonight or was that like a one time deal?" Mason asked as I held up two different ties.

"What do you think black or red?"

"Neither and you shouldn't even be wearing a dress shirt.."
"What then? White T-shirt?"

"It is kind of your thing.. and it's your birthday not prom." I rolled my eyes but did what Mason suggested. He wasn't wrong and I hated it.

"Anyways stop ignoring the question.. what's the plan for tonight?"

"I am just going to play it by ear.. but I am going to go pick her up with a driver." Mason reaches up and started jokingly massaging my shoulders. "My boy is growing up!" I slapped him away before we headed down stairs.

"See you soon!"

The driver opened the car door for me and I slid in, repeating Auden's address to make sure he had it right. I really hope she isn't going to flake on me.

The ride to her house seemed shorter than usual, I hadn't realized I kept holding my breath. Can't believe I was this nervous to see my best friend. This is why you don't make out with your friends it just ruins everything.

The driver knocked on her door, I put my head in my hands, okay I needed to get over whatever this was right now. She will be coming through that door any minute.
Just pretend like the other day never happened, maybe—-

"Oh! I wasn't expecting you to be in the car." Auden's voice interrupted my thoughts, I couldn't help but stare as I took in her appearance. Flawless as usual, the short dress she had on also wasn't exactly helping this situation, I think she realized it as well once she noticed I was staring.

"Right sorry just wow, I never can get over how hot you are." I laughed as she slid in next to me, just play it cool.
"Your such a dork Mi.." Okay maybe it was working she hadn't called me Mi in awhile, maybe we could just go back and pretend like nothing had happened.

The car ride started to fall silent as we drove in the direction of the marina where the yacht was currently docked and people were boarding.

"Look Auden.. I just wanted to say I'm sorry... I shouldn't have—"
"No Milo, stop.. please.. god I'm so embarrassed that I let that happened yesterday." Ouch..
"Was it that bad?"
"No no it was actually like surprising ho— okay no, no we aren't going there and we aren't doing this right now. Look what I'm trying to say is.. you are my best friend, you also are only 17–"
"Today is my birthday.."
"I'm getting to that stop interrupting me... Milo I have a problem okay? I never felt the need to tell you because well I never could have imagine any of what happened ever happening. Remember how you talked about how you couldn't believe I would kiss Trevor?"
"Rather not think about that right now.."
"No you need to, because me kissing your co-Star is horrible. Or what about all the times you've seen me with someone else?"

"What's your point?"
"I have a impulse problem.. somethings wrong with me Milo and I don't have control over my actions.."
"So you didn't kiss me back because you liked me.. you kissed back because you would've done it anyways it just happened to be me kissing you.." I saw her nod, she was carefully watching me to see how I would react.

"Well isn't this just the best birthday.. "
"Milo I'm sorry you know I love you, I do. You are so important to me."
"I know, I know you just don't see me that way because I'm some stupid kid. I get it Auden." Thankfully we had just pulled into the marina but all of a sudden I knew something was up.. there were paparazzi everywhere.

"Did you tell anyone I was—"
"No but I'm guessing they knew where my party was going to be.. look you know I hate being fake but I really don't want tomorrow's headline to be, Auden Rose gets into fight with best friend on Birthday or whatever.."

"I know, we can talk about it later. Let's give them a show." I got out of the car and walked around to open her door, she accepted my hand as I helped her out of the car. I slid my hand around her waist as we made our way to the carpet that was like a runway to get on board.

Paparazzi were going crazy with questions about Auden and I, we always use to think it was hilarious but now it was almost just too much.
Once we got to the actual ramp that led to the boat, I scooped Auden in my arms and held her bridal style.

"Gotta give them a show." I only mocked, before kissing her cheek and heading up the ramp.
Tonight could only get better now that we are pushing all that behind us.

Once everyone boarded the boat and the clock hit 7:30, the yacht took off out of the marina. I had been mingling and greeting all my guests along with my mom.

Mason caught my attention and waved me over to him, I followed him as he led me below the deck into where there was cabins for overnight guests. There were only like 5 and one of them was mine.

Auden was on the bed holding a bottle of tequila. "You looked like you could use a drink and luckily Auden came through."
"Wait how did you get that in here? I was with you."
"I had it delivered onto the boat this morning with the rest of your party supplies." She innocently shrugged her shoulders as Mason lined up shot glasses.
"However there are rules! One no one and I mean no one tells Cammie I supplied you with alcohol, she will kill me. Two you are only allowed 3 shots use them wisely."
"Only 3?"
"You two are both lightweights and this is not the place for you guys to be drunk and disorderly." Auden poured the shots before we each grabbed one.
"To Milo another year old, not any wiser." She tried not to laugh as I gave her a look. I threw my head back, welcoming the familiar liquid past my lips.  Mason's face twisted while Auden and I just exchanged looks.
"Maybe Mason should only have one."

My mom totally knew I was drinking, she smelt it on my breath an hour later. I might've already had my 3 shots while Auden was up on deck mingling.

"Oh my goodness Milo tell me your not going to make an idiot of yourself tonight."
"Cammie I'm fine!" My mom knew I drank at parties now and then. She didn't care but she was wondering how alcohol got in here, security checked everyone.

"I took it from the kitchen, don't be mad." She dropped the subject land I went on enjoying my party. I saw Auden and then I saw who was around her Meg and ...Trevor. They were by the staircase out of the way of the party.

"Hey guysssss what's going on?" I eyed Auden pulling her into my chest, Trevor took a step away from her. I heard Auden quietly mumble a warning against my collar bone but I just squeezed her hip in response.
"I was looking for you because we need to take our photo." I handed Meg my phone, looking expectantly at Auden. She stood on her tippy toes and I instantly felt the warmth of her lips on my cheek as we posed. My grip on her tightened and I could help but turn my head to face her. Our lips grazed, she tried to go back on the flats of her feet but I just leaned down to re-close the space between us.
Trevor and Meg watched us intently wondering what our next actions would be.
"Relax Auden.. I'm not doing anything." I stared her down before moving my head to the side, placing a kiss on her cheek. "I wouldn't do it unless you wanted me too." I blew into her ear before letting my grip on her go. She kind of stumbled back a step before regaining her composure. I grabbed my phone out of Megs hand, even Meg was blushing watching what had just went down.
"Awe I love it thanks Meg!" I kissed her on the top of her head, while keeping my eyes on Auden then made my way over to some of my other friends.

I posted our photo on Instagram and captioned it "Forever Friend Zoned by my celebrity crush but Happy 18th to Me", I was feeling pretty confident but I knew my buzz would wear off unless I kept drinking.

Maybe Someday  [Milo Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now