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"No, Why didn't I know about him?"

"Josh and I ... we.... it wasn't that serious."
"You can't even say it to my face.." Milo hissed, his nose was throbbing in pain but he felt stupid fighting with Auden with an ice pack on his face. "Obviously it was serious enough for you to let him take those slu—- intimate photos of you... like that.." Auden narrowed her eyes at him, he was lucky he didn't finish that word.

"Who broke it off?"
"He did.." Auden finally answered honestly, her eyes meeting his. Auden didn't date people, Milo was a first or so he thought. He didn't feel special anymore. Now he was hearing about how the only reason whatever happened between her and this Josh guy ended was because he wanted it to.
"Audie.. is there anything between you and Noah?"
"Milo no.. there's nothing." Milo nodded he finally placed the ice pack on his nose as a uncomfortable silence fell over them.

"I'm going back to my moms.." Milo finally announced as he placed the ice pack on the counter and grabbed his keys.
"Okay let me just grab my jacket—"
"—-Audie.. I think it would be better if you just stayed here.." His voice didn't sound normal. It was emotionless as he looked anywhere but Auden, he couldn't meet her eyes.
"What? Milo you can't be serious..."

"Your the one that moved back here and wanted space.. well you got it.." Milo shrugged as he started walking towards Auden's front door. She quickly went to grab his shoulder as he made it out of her house but he shrugged her off.
"Stop.. I can't do this right now Audie ... I just ran over here to figure out another one of your messes. You were right.. I need space from you too okay?"

"This.. this is why I knew we shouldn't date.." Her voice was a whimper as she let go and took a couple of steps away from Milo.
"Audie stop it what are you even talking about?

"I didn't want to date you because I didn't want to lose you.... but your just going to leave me too."
"Audie I'm not going to leave—-"
"I want you to leave Milo.." Milo wasn't quick enough she shut the door in his face. He heard the locks turning and something sliding against the door. He tried using his key but the door didn't budge even after he got it unlocked. Something was latched across it from the other side.
When did she get that installed?

Milo had to stop himself from throwing his phone, she ignored his calls and had finally just shut her phone off. He finally gathered himself and got into his car.

He told her not to come over.. he started pushing her away knowing she's fragile.
She pushed away from you first, you deserve space too..
You didn't have to be so hurtful towards her.. she didn't do anything wrong..
When are you going to stop being so jealous of every guy that's ever been with Auden..
Your pathetic.

Milo hit the steering wheel of his car as hard as he could before letting out a frustrated scream.

He finally started his car, when he was at a red light he caught his face in his mirror. He had light bruising around his swollen nose. Milo didn't even know how to explain this to his mom... or his Bubbe and the rest of the family waiting for him back at his house.

"You guys have been fighting a lot.." Mason acknowledged as him and Owen sat around Milo's room. Mason hadn't started at NYU yet due to his spring acceptance and Owen was still finishing high school but Milo had still stayed in daily contact with his best friends.

"I just.. I've wanted this for so fucking long." Milo buried his head in his hands, he was beyond stressed out.
"I know this is probably the last thing you wanted to hear but.. you know how like sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality? Maybe that's you and Auden.. maybe you guys weren't ever supposed to cross this line."

Maybe Someday  [Milo Manheim]Where stories live. Discover now