Saving Grace

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Standing upstairs in Renesmee's bedroom I supervised her while she packed her traveling case. Whenever we went somewhere she always tried to take unneeded things with her. Things that she would end up not using.

I watched as Renesmee walked across the room and grabbed her photo album, containing over 100 photos that she took herself, and trekked back over to her suitcase innocently.

Keeping her gaze away from me she put it casually in her case. A few seconds later she glanced up at me and smiled sweetly.

For a few moments as I melted under her beautiful chocolate gaze I almost considered allowing her to take the album. Then my parental instincts took over.

With my crooked grin I shook my head slightly. Renesmee challenged my response with a pout but in the end I held firm and watched her replace the album back in its proper place.

The door opened and in came Bella. "How are we doing with the packing?" She asked Renesmee.

In her mind I saw a plan to manipulate Bella into overruling my decision formulate. She glanced momentarily in my direction and then the plan disintegrated almost instantaneously.

Good she was learning to accept the answer no. As she aged mentally that one aspect of her personality never fully matured simply because Bella and myself rarely said no.

"It's going good." I responded as Bella crossed the room and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"The plane leaves in two hours so we should leave soon." Bella added.

"Don't worry mommy we won't be late. I'm done." Renesmee said cheerfully.

"Perfect." Bella replied as she zipped up her suitcase and lifted it effortlessly.

We headed downstairs and out the door. Just as I made it to the truck and began loading our luggage up I caught sight of Alice's vision.

I inhaled sharply as I whipped around to face the forest.

Just then a boy and a girl, both blonde, burst forth into the clearing. The boy was tall and muscular like Emmett. From his look he had to be around our age.

This boy was cradling in his arms the blonde girl. She had a heart beat so she was definitely human.

The girl looked to be no older then twelve and her thoughts suggested the same. She cowered into the males chest.

"More friends!" Renesmee said happily.

She started to run over to greet them but Bella quickly grabbed her."Are they friendly?" Bella asked.

I gazed into their minds and saw that they were here to help. Looking at Bella I nodded my head.

Bella released Renesmee and patted her gently on the shoulders to let her know it was okay.

Smiling happily Renesmee headed over to them, making each step an elegant skip.

The blonde male ran over towards the porch where Zelda and her sisters were. When he was about seven meters away he stopped and set the young girl to her feet. She immediately moved to stand behind him.

The boy looked at Zelda and a grin crossed his face as he held out his arms.

"Hey Z did ya miss me?" The blonde boy said.

Zelda turned to face him and in a half a second bitterness grew heavily in her expression. Rhiannon and Samara joined Zelda's flanks. All of them looking angered at our new company.

"What are you doing here Ethan and why did you bring her!" Zelda snapped.

"You are unwelcome!" Rhiannon added.

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