Where There is Death

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After my family made absolute sure that the Volturi was gone for good we retired to the confines of the home that belonged to our cousins the Denali's. Since my mothers truck had been destroyed in the fight we had only one way to get there and that was to run.

Like old times I sat, snug, against Jake's russet body as we ran through the woods. The moon was beautiful in its harvest yellow color that set in the Alaskan night sky. I couldn't help but smile as I knew that this was truly the beginning of our lives forever. We could now live happily.

Ten minutes later Jake came to a stop near the edge of the woods. From where we stood we could make out a brightly lit home and vampires arriving here and from different points of the property.

Jacob knelt down and I knew this was where he wanted to let me off so he could phase back to his human form and dress. Before I headed to join my mother and father in the house I hugged him tightly.

"Mom, dad." I smiled as I reached their side.

My father looked at me and I saw a wave of emotions roll through his face. Confusion, sad, shock, happiness and then finally relief. I understood where that came from as I had just been thinking about my drowning incident that failed to kill me.

Silently my father pulled me into his arms and held me. "I love you Renesmee." he murmered. He released one of his arms and then pulled my mother into the hug. "I love you both more then anything."

When he released me my father pulled out a hankerchief from his pocket and handed it to me. Of course I was crying. Taking the hankerchief from his hands I dabbed at my eyes.

"Damn emotions." I murmered.

"Renesmee!" My father chastized.

"I'm sorry daddy." I apologized for my foul mouth and then blushed.

He in turn smiled which confused me until he explained that my mother blushed whenever she felt bad about something or embarassed. Then my stomach began to growl reminding me that I had only had a grilled cheese sandwich since I left the island. I needed food.

"We can't stay long." My father said to Eleazar. "My daughter needs food as well my niece and nephew."

"In that case my and the family shall make a visit to Forks quite soon as I presume that is where you will be returning yes." Eleazar replied.

Carlisle was at our side now and I couldn't help but hug him.

"Actually-" Carlisle began as he wrapped his arms around me. "-I think we will do just that. Atleast for the next year."

Heading inside I looked around in awe at the decor. It was more outdoorsy and woodsy then anything I had ever seen before. Unlike the upscale plushness and elegance that my family decorated the house in this was taking luxury to a whole knew level.

The furniture was made from many different kinds of woods. Upon looking closely I could tell that it all was handcarved and manmade. The carpets weren't carpets but skins from animals; lions, bears, cougars, even a cheetah skin. Hanging from the ceiling in the living room was a elk hork chandalier. Everything was so magnificent.

After several human minutes of gazing around the house I finally had my fill and took a seat on my fathers lap. No matter how old I would get I would always be his baby girl and this would always be my favorite place to be. In his arms.

"So you don't think the Volturi will try again?" I heard Rosalie ask. Across the room, the several small conversations stopped and everyone's attention was on her. I guess like her, they all wondered the same thing but didn't want to be the one to break the serene feelings we had just acquired after a long war. "I mean when the Volturi really want something they don't give up."

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