Chapter 3: Revenge and Rage

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"Where did you get this?"

I never knew she kept a diary. She kept a lot of things from me though, so I'm not that surprised.

"It was in under your bed, tucked under a floorboard that had come loose." I remember seeing Carolyn fiddle around under the bed a couple of times, but I had thought nothing of it. Even when I would question her about it, she would just say that she had dropped something under the bed. I always took her word for it. I didn't want to be untrusting of her, just in case she saw me being nosey and think that I'm just her kidnapper and not her boyfriend. "I also found this next to the book."

Boston pulls out a small rectangle from his pocket and holds it up next to his face. It's too far away for me to recognize the mystery object.

"I can't see it. Bring it over."

He walks my way and shoves it in my face. I recognize it. I recognize him. It's a small polaroid with an abomination being the main focus. 'Love is limitless xoxo – Troy'. A frown is plastered onto my face as I read that load of shit.

"You know him or somethin'?" Boston must've noticed my expression.

"Yeah, him and Carolyn were going out before she got here. He's the one that made her break up with me the 1st time." I hate Troy's guts.

"Does he have a name at all?"


"Troy...What?" It hadn't even crossed my mind that I didn't even know that pricks last name. I mean, what if I needed to find him. I would have practically nothing to go off of.

"I don't know.... I didn't think that- "

"That's so typical of you, Zakk. You just don't think. Do you?" Fuck. He's already pissed. I didn't say anything and just looked outside the window. I hope he calms down.

I'm still looking outside when Boston flicks my ear and I burry my hear in my shoulder.

"Look at me when I talk to you. Geeze, not only do you not think, but you also don't know anything about respect!"

I'm trying to think of an excuse to get out of this situation. "I thought I saw something out there. I didn't mean to disrespect you, I swear!" Boston's face doesn't seem to change in the slightest. He then walks over to the window to inspect the outside world.

I can only see the large maple tree that was planted in the front yard. I was only 5 at the time but I clearly remember Boston placing that seed in the ground while I was watching from my bedroom window. I can also see the warm, afternoon sunset start to turn into another rough night. Boston knows that I wouldn't be able to see anything other than that but he's look around the front yard and even past that.

"what'd you see?"

Luckily, while he was searching for a non-existent lie, I was thinking up another. "I saw a squirrel run up that tree, I think." It sounded believable from my perspective. But Boston looked sceptical.

"You think? Did you see a rodent or not?"

"Well, if it wasn't for my eyes being blurry ever since I woke up then maybe I'd be able to give you a straight answer." I don't usually get hostile with Boston when talking, but I still felt horrible from the blow to the head and...well...

"Oh! So now it's my fault, is it?!" WHAT THE FUCK?! HE GOES AND SHOOTS MY GIRL, KNOCKS ME OUT, TIES ME UP, AND THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO SAY THAT NONE OF IT IS HIS FUCKING FAULT! "Not my problem you're a weak bitch who can't take punches."

I want to break his spine so bad. I start thrashing my arms to try to get free, but to no prevail. He stands directly over my legs and gives me a dirty look and then says, "Ya know, maybe when this is all over, I could teach you to actually fight and not to just flail your arms around, hoping to get a hit in."

I see the perfect opportunity and take it. With my left leg, I kick upwards. Directly into no man's land. His lungs are empty in milliseconds as he lets out a loud heave and then slumps to the floor in pain. He's holding girl magnet in hopes that it will make him feel better. I'm pretty sure that I saw some tears form in his eyes. The amount of force I used in that kick would make any 'man' fall to the ground. I'm surprised that I didn't feel any remorse in doing that to him.

Boston, who's still on the floor, lets out a muffled, "You fucking bitch." and "You little shit". I'm starting to feel a bit cocky and say,

"You talking to me or your dick?" I didn't mean to say it out loud, but I just couldn't resist. Revenge is best served cold, or best served to a kick in the groin.

As soon as he hears this, he stands back up (He's still feeling the effects of my kick, by the way) and grabs Carolyn's diary. All of that courage that I had mustered up to fight him and his little companion vanished in a matter of seconds. He then raises that book over his head and brings it down onto my skull. It hurt more than his punch, and I let out a loud groan.

"Who the fuck gave you the right to fight back?!" Excuse me for trying to not get killed!

He picks up her diary and flips to the front page.

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