Chapter 5: Please Be Asleep

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 I rarely ever saw Boston beating her. Only the aftermath. There were a few times where I would look at what he was doing to her. Just thinking about it is making me feel light-headed. He would take her into the cellar and the times of the beatings would range from only a few minutes to a few hours. There was always a supply of rusty and sharp objects in the cellar, and Boston would use them in every way possible. I once saw him stick a large, rusty screw into her gums. I also saw him use a piece of rotting wood on her. He would hit her legs with it and if he hit her hard enough, it would leave large splinters in her skin. He wouldn't even stop when she was unconscious from the pain.

When he was finished with her, he'd call me down and I would be the one to clean her up. When he'd yelled my name, while I was walking down to the cellar, 'please be asleep, please be asleep.' Would be playing over and over in my head. Taking rusty nails and broken glass out of her was always easier if she wasn't struggling and screaming.


"Hmm?" He said, lowering the book from his face.

"Can you stop reading now? I... I don't feel well." After those words left my mouth, a humorous grin started growing on his face. I've only seen him smile like this only once before. And that was back in march.

"Oh, c'mon Zakk! You want to stop? Already? Just because you have a little tummy ache?" Zakk said mockingly. Bastard.

"Boston, please."

"Don't beg Zakk! You know I won't do anything if you beg."

"Please! My stomach is killing me! My head is throbbing! Just let me r- "

I couldn't even finish my sentence before Boston slapped my face.

"Stop fucking begging! " The entire right side of my face was starting to sting.

"Ok, ok. I'll stop." I say. I was tied up and beaten. There's no way I can get what I want while I'm like this. So I'd better follow his instructions or things will get out of hand fast.

"Good." He starts calming down. "I guess I could take a break. I need to wash myself up anyway." He rubs his hands on his pants. As he's exiting the living room, he adjusts his pants. My kick's pain must not have gone away fully.

I take a deep breath in and a pain starts stabbing at my chest and throat. I lean over in agony and it feels like someone's whacking me in the head with a baseball bat. Fuck. I can't breathe or move without being reminded of how stupid I was for even trying to stop him.

I close my eyes and lean up against the couch and ignore the pain shooting up my body as I get try to get some rest before Boston returns.

I wake to someone poking my ribs. The room is completely dark and I can't tell who's touching me. The reality kicks in when they start jabbing at my bruises.

"Ugh, can you not."

"Nah." Boston then rams his fist into my groin. I double over in intense agony. "Paybacks a bitch." That entire area goes numb but my pelvis feels like it's been broken into a million pieces. I couldn't even speak. I was breathing heavily and that made it worse. My throat felt like it hadn't had any form of liquid in weeks and with every breath, I could feel it getting more and more dry. I'm pretty sure that Boston was making narky comments but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. Shit. I shouldn't have kicked him. Jesus, did I really think that I would get away scot free? "...akk.... Zakk.... ZAKK!?" Boston's voice slowly faded into my head and I turned my view over to him with tears in my eyes. "Jesus! Someone would think that I just ripped your dick off!" My eyes had adjusted to the dark room and I could see that fucking grin on his face. He sighed and stood up. "Welp, I'm gonna head to bed now. See you in the morning." What?! He's gonna leave me here overnight?

"Wait. Boston don't-!" My stomach decided that it was a great time to release its contents at that moment and I spewed right onto the hardwood floor and on myself.

"That's fucking disgusting Zakk! Ugh! I'm going to my room."

"Boston, wa- "I just wouldn't stop vomiting. Boston left the room with his hand covering his mouth and nose. It was no use trying to get him to free me now.

The stench coming off of the vomit kept me awake. The vomit was soaking into my clothes in a matter of minutes. The more it soaked in, the more it made my legs burn up. Great. So now I can't sleep because every time I breath in, my throat and lungs start stinging. I can't move or try to free myself because my head will start throbbing. And to top it all off, my nostrils and skin are practically burning because of the spew. Yeah, I know. I'm going to need all the luck in the world to get through tonight.

I tried getting some rest the same way I did before, but I couldn't sleep through the smell. All I could do is sit there and suffer.

I looked up at the clock that was in the living room. 2:48 am. My eyelids were as heavy as boulders and I was struggling to stay awake. The vomit didn't bother me that much anymore. I had a feeling that when I wake up, someone would be breathing down my neck again.

I closed my eyes and dozed off.

My girl would have to sleep on her own for tonight.

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