Part 1: Beginning

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We sat outside the small building, the car in idle as the rain poured down around us. The neon red sign hung high and proud, a disturbing name of "Skin Kitchen" flickering at us. My heart pounded nervously in my chest, my breathing fluttering through my plump pink lips. Turning my wide blue gaze over to Sean Mills I studied his face. He wasn't the sexiest man alive but he was cute. I loved the way he looked with straight floppy golden brown hair and puppy dog brown eyes. He always has a plain expression on his face, but to me he was always smiling. He was a few inches taller than my 5' 4" and stood very broad shoulders and muscled arms. He has been my best friend for a good solid two years now, and is two years older than my age of 16.
We grinned mischievously at each other, and he leaned closer to me and pecked me on the lips. A friendly gesture that we always do. "You going to go through with this Alice?" His all male voice teased me mockingly. Rolling my eyes I threw my hood over my curly blonde hair and wrenched open the door, stepping out into the flooding street. By the time I walked ten feet to the entrance door, my grey coat was drenched and looked black. Sean followed a step behind me, striding into the threshold. There was orange shag carpet and ruby red walls. A dark brown wooden desk sat in the front of the room, several waiting chairs lined up along the other side of the dimly lit waiting room. Two matching wooden doors were closed, the buzzing noises of the needle were faintly heard through the walls, and inwardly I panicked. What if I couldn't go through with it?
"Hello, may I help you?" A red haired girl asked behind the desk. Her nose was pierced, a hoop through it and her lips were painted red and her eyes smokey grey. Root beer brown eyes gazed hazily at us.
Sean cleared his throat. "Um yeah, we have the three o'clock appointments." He glanced at me. The woman gazed doubtfully at me.
"Shouldn't you be in school." Her cool voice calmed my fear.
"I'm graduated." I snapped, the lie whistling easily through my lips. Her lips puckered and she narrowed her eyes at us. Sean smirked at me.
"I.D's please." She snarled with a smug smile on her lips, as if she was going to prove me wrong. As if. Calmly I slid my fake I.D out of my back pocket, and handed it to her waiting palm. Sean snapped it into her palm and draped his heavy arm around my shoulders. She studied his for a mere second, then moved to mine. She squinted at it, tried to turn it each way and hold it up to the light. No flaws. Flush filled her cheeks. "Oh. Two appointments for 3 o'clock right this way." She scurried from her desk in her black heels and tiny snake skin skirt. We followed her to the doors and Sean grabbed my hand.
"Hey, you okay?" He murmured, his thin lips turning down in a worried manner. Reaching up I pecked him a friendly kiss, and grinned, pulling out my phone to have the picture ready.
"You aren't getting out of this tattoo Sean, I'm already skipping school for you." I winked at him and he flicked my forehead, something he did very often.
"Do you two have the designs you want?" A deep voice asked. A plumply bald man snapped on white gloves and looked me up and down. Sean stepped closer to me, wrapping his hand in mine. I wore a skirt that was hanging loosely around my hips, the color a dark black. As a shirt I wore a simple white tank-top and my soaked grey jacket.
"Yes we do." Sean said. I held my phone up for the man to observe. He nodded then turned to Sean.
"What about you man?" A giggle burst through my lips and Sean's whole face turned a pretty pink color.
"Uh, actually.., I," He stuttered cutely over his words.
"We're getting a matching tattoo. " I offered. Embarrassed, Sean nodded helplessly. The bulky man guffawed.
"You're getting a tattoo of a penguin." We both nodded. "Okay. Well do you have a specific place in mind?" He looked uncomfortable almost. With a wicked grin, I slowly nodded.
"Right here." I pointed to the center of my right ass cheek.

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