Part 3: Healing

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Today was the day I graduated high school. Standing in the mirror, I admired my black dress, hugging every curve that my body developed. Admiringly, I looked good. Sexy, maybe. My blonde hair was longer now, reaching down past my lower back. It still had a delicate curl to it, they were just looser. The blonde color reminded me of the golden sunrise. My eyes were still the same ocean blue, now they were just empty. Every night, my dreams were haunted by puppy brown eyes, and the idea of him being in danger starred in most of my dreams. We used to wrestle. It always resulted in me losing and him flicking me, then after we'd go hang out and ride his motorcycle. I wrote him every time I received a letter from him. He was bad at writing, but he tried his best. I kept him updated with my life, who my friends were what parties I went too, whatever I could to make it feel like he was here with me.
Returning to the present time, I finished applying my smokey grey eyeshadow and red lip gloss.
"Alice!" My mother's voice snapped. "We're leaving now!" She's never been a kind woman. She's very fake, acting like we're the perfect loving family that we aren't. Acts like the perfect mom, replaces everything old with something new and shiny. I almost hated that woman.
I carried myself down stairs, gracefully walking in my 3 inch heels that were a matching black. The white robe was draped over my shoulders, the cap placed on my head. "Let's go." I responded to my impatient mother.
The car ride there was very silent as my thoughts and memories fill my brain again.
The past two years I haven't just thought about Sean Mills non stop, it's on special days like these that make me miss him the most. The worst was my 17th birthday. Instead of going out and partying like other 17 year olds, I sat secluded in my room and watched movies. My parents did become concerned about my health for a while after the whole Sean leaving, but after a month or two I started going out with other friends that I made. The closest friend I have now is named Claire, she's very sporty with her long dark straight hair and pretty green eyes.
"Alice! There you are!" Speak of the devil.
"Hey Claire." I respond nicely as she hooks her elbow through mine. She's wearing a nice pink dress and silver heels. Very un-Claire like to do. "You look different." Her hair was curled and there was glitter around her eyes.
"Yeah well, my mom wanted me to look beautiful so here I am!" She rolled her eyes.
"All seniors please report to your assigned seat in the auditorium." The principal at our school announced, standing in a fitted grey suit. Claire and I started a path, parting so we could sit in alphabetical order. Everyone around me were happily laughing and crying, hugging family and friends. There was one person missing from mine.
I watched my parents and older brother walk through the other families, trying to find a spot to sit. Another figure followed them, I couldn't see from here but it looked like a man. I squinted, but another family swarmed in and blocked my view. Internally i shrugged and figured it was just an uncle or something of my family.
The principal rambled on and on about the graduating class.
"You ever think about the future Alice?" Sean was laying beside me on his stomach. His hair was messy and dripping wet. His soft brown gaze peered into mine, and I laughed, finding it funny he was trying to be serious.
"What do you mean?" I responded, wringing out my hair. I was sitting Indian style and we just got done swimming in our secret pond. A while back we were walking down an abandoned dead end gravel road when we discovered a trail that led to this cute little pond. So we made it our place.
"Like what are you going to do when you're out of high school?" His face was smiling and his eyes looked so thoughtful.
"Shouldn't I be asking you this? After all you did just graduate." I teased, flicking him on the arm.
"Ha. Maybe I'll just join the Army and come home then work at a flower shop." He tackled me and flicked me on the forehead. I laughed loudly.
"Don't be dumb Sean! You know what I want to be more than anything?" I sighed in want.
"I know, a model." He resumed his laying position.
"Yep! And to travel the world..." I looked at him.
"You know what?" He grinned widely.
"In a few years, for your 18th birthday, I'm going to get us a round ticket to Hawaii. For a whole month!"
"You're a dork! How will we even afford that?"
"I don't know Alice, but I'll do that, just for you."

*end of flashback*

If only I had taken him seriously. "Alice Varna." My name was called to walk across the stage to receive my diploma. Shaking the principal's hand, I turned and smile for my photo. The remaining students were called and one more speech was given. Soon we all were tossing our caps and the families scrambled to find the student. Avoiding my own, I found Claire.
"Hey, I'll meet you at your house around eight okay? I'm heading out. " I kissed her cheek and she grinned.
"Sure! Make sure to look sexy! We're going clubbing!" She winked and I laughed, and saw my family advancing. I made my goodbye quick then raced out the door. Ignoring the family car, I stripped off my heels and took off in a sprint, heading to the once place I wanted to be.

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