No More Secrets

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"Hey, Stan! How'd it go?" Lia calls out as if she didn't already know

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"Hey, Stan! How'd it go?" Lia calls out as if she didn't already know. "Fucking awesome! She said yes!" He exclaims. "And then the basketball net fell out of nowhere, but, you know, maybe it's a good sign." He chuckles.

"Yeah, maybe." Lia shrugs. "Hey, do you mind driving me home now? It's gonna rain real soon." She asks.

"Yeah, sure. Is Syd coming?" He inquired. "She told me she was gonna walk home with Dina." Lia replies. "Oh, alright. Come on, then." He smiles, opening the passenger door for her.

"It's really coming down hard isn't it?" Stanley asks as the rain loudly hits the windshield. "Yeah." Lia nods. Suddenly, a figure runs out in front of the car, causing Stanley to come to a halt. "Oh! Fuck!"

"Lee, you okay?" He asks, panting. "Yeah. I'm fine. Was that Syd?" She asks, running out after the girl, Stanley close behind.

Sydney pants as she stands in the middle of the forest. "Fuck!" She screams, causing a huge wave to flow past all the trees, knocking them down.

"What the fuck?" Stanley says in shock. "Shit." Lia mutters. "Syd!" Stanley calls. Sydney gasps as she turns around, finding her sister along with him.

Stanley tries to walk over, slipping in the process. "Fuck." He mumbles as Lia quickly helps him up. Sydney begins walking over. "How did— I mean, you... you just—"

"They were like this when I got there, I— I swear." Sydney stutters. Stanley shakes his head, not believing it. "They were." Sydney continues.

"No, no. No, no, I.. I saw it, Syd." He responds. "Well, you better keep this a secret, okay?" Sydney yells. "Not a fucking word! Got it?"

"Promise me, please!" She shouts. Stanley hesitantly nods. "Okay. Okay I— I promise, Syd."

Sydney glances at him one last time, before running off. "Stan, I have to go after her." Lia states. "Yeah. It's fine. Go ahead." He sighs. "Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow, Stan." She wraps her arms around him, pulling him in for a quick hug before chasing after her sister.

The two girls find themselves at their old treehouse, watching over the city. "Syd, if anyone were to find out, I think Stan is the best person who the world could've picked." Lia says, attempting to comfort her sister.

"This just— this thing inside of me, inside of you, we don't know how to control it. And even worse, it's not even a secret anymore." Sydney sighs, leaning her weight against the wooden railing.

"If it makes you feel better, I can tell Stan about me. I mean, I did almost kill him by accidentally causing the basketball net to fall. Don't tell Ricky, by the way." Lia suggests, causing Sydney to let out a snort.

"Thanks for cheering me up, Lee. I can always count on you." Sydney smiles. "What are sisters for?" Lia wraps an arm around Sydney's shoulder.

"Being annoying?" Sydney speaks up, earning a slap to the arm from Lia. "Can we just go home and deal with this later? It's pouring and I'm freezing." Lia says with a shiver.

"Yeah, sure." Sydney shrugs. "By the way, mom is so gonna kill us." Lia reminds.

"When is she not?"

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