Marvelous Monday Morning

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"Lia, Sydney, it's 7:30!"

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"Lia, Sydney, it's 7:30!"

The two girls are awoken from their sleep by their mother. The night before, Lia and Sydney spent the night together, neither of them wanting to be alone.

"So what? It's Sunday." Sydney groans. "It's Monday. You have school. Anyways, what were you two doing sleeping in the same room?" She asks, placing the laundry into a red bin.

"I can't go. I'm sick." Sydney lies. "Yeah— Uh. Me too." Lia nods, sitting up beside her sister. "Yeah, nice try. Look. I need one of you, preferably Lia, to grab Liam after school because I'm working a double. And make sure that he gets some dinner, not just a mustard sandwich like last time, okay?" The woman requests.

Lia scoffs. "I'm practically his mom." She rolls her eyes. Having heard it, Mrs. Novak returns, an unamused look spread across her features. "What did you just say?"

Lia shrugs, glancing over at Sydney. "No, I'm curious. Say it again." She insists. "She's right, mom. You always ask us to do everything for Liam, and it's not fair." Sydney cuts in.

"It's not fair?" She asks just as Liam approaches from behind. "Um... I— I don't mind cooking dinner tonight, guys."

"That's nice, sweetie." Maggie (Mrs. Novak) smiles. "It's just— you know what? Give us a sec, okay?"

"Okay." Liam sighs, leaving as their mother shuts the door. "I have to go back to my room and get ready." Lia says, attempting to leave, but is stopped by Maggie.

"Not so fast."

She groans, taking a seat on Sydney's bed once again. Maggie sets down the laundry bin, sighing. "I haven't been perfect."

"Yeah, no shit." Lia mutters under her breath. "And I know me working 60 hours a week isn't ideal for you, but guess what? My job pays for the things we need to get by." She begins.

"Okay? Like groceries. When you actually pick them up." She says, eyeing Sydney. "Is this about the groceries again?" Sydney asks in disbelief.

"This is about your attitude." Maggie shouts. "Bullshit, mom! If dad was here with us and Liam, he wouldn't ask us to do so much." Lia speaks up.

Maggie widens her eyes, before chuckling. "Just to clarify.. this is the scenario where I'm dead?" She asks. "I never said that!" Lia yells.

"Look, mom, she's right. We're just saying—"

"No. I heard you, girls." Maggie cuts Sydney off, then shakes her head. "When it comes to your dad, you both have this gift. This selective memory, but he wasn't who you think he was." She explains.

"Why are you throwing him under the bus?" Sydney argues. "Because I'm the one who's still here!" She replies.

Sydney and Lia sit silently, watching as their mother takes in a deep breath, then sighs. "Your dad could be funny and sweet, yes, but...he could also be vacant. Most days, you would go to school, and he wouldn't even get out of bed. And you wanna know what's really not fair? You always chose him over me." She states.

"And now, he's been gone for almost a year, and you're still choosing him." She shakes her head, before grabbing the bin and leaving.

"Get up! Both of you!"


Sorry for the short chapter. More coming soon!! <3

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