My powers

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" Hey yanna, as much as I hate it I could use some help " I said a she came over " sure thing, by the way what happened" she asked trying to act curious " as if you didn't know , I know you were there I sensed you" I said nonchalantly , I really did I was just a little focused on the moment. " so what are you going to do now that they know about your powers", "I really don't know, A,I really don't know"
............................................... Thor's POV: that girl I know her ,she seems so familiar but no matter I must save her from Loki's grasp what he wants with her I have no idea, but it must be done, if I don't do it who will. " Loki release the girl" I state calmly I don't won't her to get hurt she is already limping as it seems hmm I wonder if she likes pop tarts never mind that I need to focus. Loki Rolled his eyes and released her causing her to lose balance and fall upon the glass. " what the fuck"she exclaimed , " pipe down mortal" Loki stated coldly Which honestly seemed to only make her madder. Perhaps this wasn't the best idea my younger brother has had in his lifetime , I watched as Storm clouds began to form over us, "really brother really" he said obviously annoyed  assuming that this was my doing " 'twas not me brother I swear"i tried to tell him , when I realized the girl was slowly standing. " Son of a biskets"she shouted at us fuming and clearly raging with a fire in her eyes. I looked at her then the sky  slowly piecing things together and realizing that she was doing it, she was creating the storm. my eyes were wide open as i tried to say something but both me and Loki were struck with lightning. After me and my brother regained our balance we realized the
Girl was nowhere to be seen." now what in Midgard just happened here" Loki exclaimed, " I don't know brother but I intend to find out" I replied
//////////////////////////Later that day
" Thor calm down and tell us what happened" stated Steve Rogers aka captain America and one of Thor teammates in the avengers. they were currently on the top floor of avengers tower where the team of superheroes lived part time." I was Engaged in a pointless battle with my brother when he flew into a small cafe as humans call it I don't know what happened inside but Loki emerged with his scepter ready in one hand and in the other a limping girl who appeared to have hurt her left foot. I didn't want anything to happen to her so I calmly stated for Loki to release her , and when he let go of her arm she fell in the glass and screamed/cursed at Loki . Then when he said and I quote "pipe down mortal" that made her even more furious and then storm clouds began to form over us and when Loki accused me of it i honestly stated that 'twas not my doing . that was about the time when I realized the girl was standing , well the best she could with an injured foot, and that was when I came upon the realization that she was causing the storm , and as I stepped forward she called us and I quote "biskets", and when I tried to say something both Loki and I were struck down by a bolt of lighting. when we regained our balance the girl was gone." Thor finished telling his side of the story once more that day. At the end of his rant the avengers stood there mouths gaping open surprised by the story. Tony was the first speak" so what now, if we tell fury he might want to recruit her if not then what ,we try and find her, get some answers "
" I say that we go with the second choice, the first might scare her." cap suggested, then Clint said" yeah it's probably best " and with that tony replied " then let's get to work".
/////////////////////////// Sorry for the short chappie but I promise to update when I can - love jj

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