Part 13

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Both of them were happy, they were enjoying the new feeling.As Nandini has butterflies in her stomach because for the first time she got an unknown feeling towards him.on the other hand Manik was happy CZ his lover has started trusting him.

As usual, Nandini was on the edge of the bed her back towards him, Manik came and pulled her towards if she was his

M(closed to her ear): Goodnight angel.

Nanini(the new feeling was making her blush): Goodnight (after a pause she said "Manik")

Hearing this he snuggled her more tightly.

Nandini was the first one who was awake she could not stop thinking about what happened yesterday,

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Nandini was the first one who was awake she could not stop thinking about what happened yesterday,

Nandini(in mind): Looking at him and said ayo how 'ill face him,i should have stopped him so that at least I could have faced him in the morning, she quickly got freshened up and went downstairs so that she can avoid him  CZ of awkwardness.

On the other hand, Manik woke up and dint see her, he always wants to see her first thing in the morning.after his daily routine he was coming downstairs when she saw her arranging the plate he was happy to see her and she could feel his gaze but she didn't look at him. Manik understood that she's avoiding him a small smile crept on his face.

He wished everyone stretching her name especially.

Mukuti.Morning, wow Bhai,youre super recharged very energetic

Manik(jokingly looking at Nandini): Ha Mukti,wo kaal se i have started my energy drinks ,maybe that's why.

It was hard to control her smile.

Mukti then noticed (she was wearing  a cardigan just to cover wounds): Nandini,are you fine why wearing a jacket that into this weather,i don't even like wearing clothes laughed herself,Manik gave a look and that's it she continued eating

Neyo.Ha beta was about to ask you,are feeling fine?

Nandini:Ji mom,wo I ,was feeling cold,had a cold shower so

Manik understood his face fell down and he immediately finished his food and went upstairs, he was impatiently waiting for her, on the other hand, she doesn't want to go to the room she was just roaming.

neyo: Nandini, great that youre here, beta please give this to file to Manik Raj gave this.

She mentally cursed she is out of option.

Back in the room when she entered the room it was empty she thought he might be in the adjacent room she kept the file and about to leave some forced pinned her into the wall

Manik: Avoiding?

Nandini(without making eye contact)mom gave this file to you.

Manik was slowly removing her cardigan, when he saw the scratch his face fell down,im, sorry.

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