Part 21

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The next day morning after giving her dad the last rite.

Yahs: where are you going

Nandini: I have some undone things to finish (she stomped towards the mansion)

Nan(Mr. Malhotra) Neyo and raj along mkti was sitting in the hall( all upset about what had happened all this days)

Nani(anger) Mr. Malhotra Yesterday I couldn't react when you were giving a speech CZ i had enough to think about. now you hear me loud and clear Mr Malhotra.I have nothing to do with the photos and mukti i don't what she saw, and that money i took it to from harshad in exchange of my home papers for my dad treatment, but you know what I think dad wasn't happy isliye toh he dint wait for the surgery and left me.Im happy that he dint want to see all this,cz you know what my dad was really proud of you. He considered you as a man of values.

Manik and other members was shocked to hear about her father.

Manik(rush towards her) stop there, I'm not finished yet .lastly you throw this cheque, for warming your bed, torn into pieces and throw to his face' you know what I feel like disgusted that I slept with a person who doesn't have such low mentality, who donntnot how to ti respect other., not even for a second you thought it's your wife, did I ever came to you asking you to marry me, did I ever ask you money? I could have to ask you for help, but I do  I have self-respect, yesterday you showed me your status, how low can a man think about his wife. I'm fool enough to believe your stupid promises you know what I would rather sleep with someone who has a spine..

Manik(hearing is our of anger raised his hand and about to slap)


Nan(she just pulled her mangal sutra out of her neck and throw to him) Shaadi mubarako,oi don't want to live with someone, who has trust issues.Mr Malhotra looks beyond what you see, not trust everything that you see.

She left from there without even looking.

To be continued.....

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