Chapter 8: Music Projects

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Stuart's pov.

I keept my eyes out the windows as I passed them by in the corridors. With fast steps I was clutching my books to my chest.

The day had gone by horribly after the hair incident.
That sod called my mom and made a big deal out of it.
Sure my mom told him about the situation but I still gotta go to detention for talking back or some shit.. How sensitive can you get?!

Then Murdoc decided to be a pain in the ass.. As our history teacher asked me a question infront of the whole class I had to stand up and awnser it. I for once knew the right awnser but just as I sat down again Murdoc pushed away my chair. I fell on my ass and everyone was laughing.
Murdoc was trying hard to not join in on it as the teacher came and scolded him.
I glared at him as I sat back in my chair. His stupid smirk was now going ear to ear as his eyes where glued on me.

I sighed as I opend the exit doors. The fresh air hit me right across the face as I walked out of the building.
It was finally the last lesson of the day! And best of all, it's music. At this point I've had enough and I really just need to chill out.

As I walked closer to the building we heve our music lessons in I was a bunch of my class mates waiting outside. Well at least I'm not late.

As I walked closer I noticed how everyone was looking at me or stepping to the side..

I gave out a sigh as my legs came to a stop. It's been like this the whole day! Everyone is giving me weird looks or starts whispering the second I enter a room.
I first noticed at lunch break when Murdoc made me sit at his table. To no surprise he had already made a big impression as the table soon filled up with birds and stoners. Uncomfortable is an understatement.

Looking around I was surprised to see Murdoc standing by the door. First time he's been early today.
As much as I hate it I walked up to him only to see him talking to Paula. Murdoc turned his attention towards me and gave me a weird look.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" He asked me in that obnoxious tone of his.

I stood there in silence as my eyes darted between them both.

"Eh.. Toilet?" I awnsered feeling a weird tension in the air.

Just as Murdoc was about to say something the door opend. My music teacher stood there welcoming everyone as they all hurried in. Hell, even Murdoc himself seemed to be in a hurry.
When I walked in Tyler gave me a smile and looked outside one last time before closing the door.

"Hey Stuart, thanks again for fixing that keyboard." He said as we walked into the classroom.

"Anytime Mr Reed." I said with a smile for once.

He gave me a nod before walking up to the front of the class. Looking around I took a random seat as we didn't have any desks to share. Finally I could have somewhat of a break from that pickle. Looking at his direction I saw him sitting next to a couple of chicks. He probably got their numbers by now.

As my teacher started talking I shifted my attention towards him.
I was already hyped to hear about our new project.

"Alright class, who is ready to make some music eh?" He asked sounding exited. Though I can't say the same about my classmates.

"Come on, it will be fun." He began.

"Okay so everyone will get an iPad each for this project but if you lose it I won't be paying for it, got it?" He said crossing his arms.

All students seemed to light up as they heard this. Probably tierd of learning real instruments I guess.

"You will each have good time on you to creat a song. It might as well just be a track alright. You'll have free hands so creat whatever you want. BUT, here's the thing. I want you to show the whole class what you go for."

In union everyone started whining and protesting. If you know Tyler like I do you wouldn't be surprised. He's always up for a challenge and wants his students to feel the same.
I was really excited for this project though. It's been some time since I wrote a whole song and I've never really used an iPad for it.

"Wait, does that mean we have to perform infront of everyone?!" Someone yelled from the back of the room.

"Yes, I want you to either sing or play an instrument to a track you've made." Tyler awnsered.

"Do you have to do it?" One of Paula's friends whined.

"No of course not.. But your grades would increase." He said with a smirk.

Everyone was bickering away as they got their iPads. As soon as I got mine I decided to go and sit down in a corner. I wasn't really found of having a bunch of eyes on me. My brain was going a 100 miles an hour as I got more and more Ideas. As my face was buried in my note book I didn't even notice Paula walking up to me.

"Hi Stu." She said as she sat down next to me.

"Oh! Hey, sorry didn't quite see you there." I said as I awkwardly scratched my head.

She laughed and looked down at my note books. She then looked at me as in 'are you bloody serius?'

"How can you already be this far into a project that started 5 minutes ago?" She said.

"Well what can I say, I-i like music." I stuttered out.

She then gave me an eye roll before putting her head on my shoulder. I took this opportunity to intertwine our hands.
I sighed before closing my eyes. I could feel her sent making it's whay up my nose and I wasn't complaining.

"Are you doing anything today?" She asked.

"Yeah.. I got in trouble." I sighed.

"Are you serious? Was it that twat who scolded you for your hair?" She turned to look at me.

"Yeah, he called my mom and she explained everything BUT he still got me in detention." I said in annoyance.

"What for?" Paula asked.

"Talking back or something.." I said looking at the floor.

"But we have to hangout soon alright?" She said as she once again laid down her head on my shoulder.

"I promise."


How about that huh?

It's not the love you are waiting for but trust me it will come later in the story!

I got a lot of ideas now but I don't want the story to be to short.. Cuz that would just be bad.
Like come on, it's only been about 2 days.

Anyway hope you like this chapter and please vote or comment because it really makes my day.

Love you all! Baii 💕

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