Flashback 💭💭

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Ashley's POV

Ugh. I keep getting flashbacks for what happened... Everyday... I'm getting nightmares everyday!!

Oh you guys don't know it yet..... Let me explain.

In elementary school Blake and I were best friends. In middle school we were good friends when his other friends weren't around. In high school.... He was my bully.

Yes. Bully.

That is the reason I hate him. Let me tell you how it started....


I WAS GOING TO SCHOOL. I was with Dylan and Maya. We were Laughing and talking. I met them in middle school and we have been inseparable ever since. I love them so much!!

Sydney, Bailey and Tristan were at middle school. They were a year younger than me. I know... But next year they'll be here too.

So when I went I saw Blake and his best mate Alex and his friends Noah and Victor.

He saw me. So i decided to talk to him. I mean..... He is my friend.

"Hi Blake, Alex, Noah and Victor!" I said

"Oh look who it is mighty Alpha Ashley!" He said sarcastically

"Oh haha!" I replied. I thought he was making a joke. 

"Oh and her sidekick. Dylan right? But I think Trashcan or fag suits you better! And Maya..  the weirdo and the FREAK!" Blake said angrily and weirdly

I slapped him.

"Dont you dare call him a fag again or i will rip you to shreds and Maya is not a freak." i threatened, my face flashing red dangerously at his words.. I felt so mad. Why would be do that!?

"Oh so what if I called him a fag. It's not like his your boyfriend, bitch" Blake said looking angry and flushed?

"Shut your mouth Blake" I warned him looking at Dylan... he wasn't looking at anyone.

Dylan was still upset so he didn't say anything. He is so upset. I feel so bad. I wanted to kick Blake in his jewels right about now.

"Aww is wittle baby fag crying" he said looking at Dylan. That's it! What is wrong with this ass!?

"Blake Carson. Shut the fuck up before i do something i may or may not regret later on!" I yelled at him, my face red with anger, smoke fuming from my face. I was so Angry. Everyone knows i can transform and rup him to shreds.

He didn't say anything instead did the one thing that would make me hate him. Blake slapped him. He slapped Dylan my best friend and pushed him to the floor. I got angry as hell.

"You fucking ugly bastard! What the fuck is wrong with you. What did we do to you asshole for you to hate us?" I said trying to get Dylan to stand up.

"Those words don't look nice coming out of your mouth kitten" Blake said

"Your a dick!" I said

"I know. Wanna see kitten?" He asked smirking

"You asshole! What the fuck is wrong with you?? How dare you! What do think if yourself. I fucking hate you. Why was I ever your friend." I said angrily and his face flashed hurt. Ya right.

But I didn't care. Of course I didn't. He left me in middle school but i was still his friend. Now he had gone over fuckinf board.

And i slapped Blake again and kicked him. I wanted to hurt him... But I couldn't. I still love the guy...

He probably got angry. He slapped me so hard it could be heard on the other side of school.

"Ugh. I feel bad for that ass who is gonna be your mate." He started, knowing it would hurt me..

No he didn't. I told him I was waiting for my mate. That it was the one thing I really loved. I wanted to hit him really hard but I was stuck... Hoping.... Wishing... What be said was not actually true... Because I always believed what he said.... 

"Shut up Blake. Shut up" I said, his words got to me and it stung.

"No I mean... He would probably reject you before you get a word out of your mouth. Huh. Who would want a mate like you. Even if you are the high ol' mighty Female Alpha. Oh right. Noone! Actually... Now that I think about it." He said spitting at my face.

"Maybe that fag would. Since he won't have anyone else." Blake continued

"Stop it. Please" i
mumbled. It hurt me how much my best friend of so many years hurt me so fucking bad.

He then saw how upset I was and started hurting Dylan, and Maya. He slapped them and pushed them. I was getting so angry.

"THATS ENOUGH BLAKE!" My voice boomed across the campus and he looked shocked.

I never use that voice.....   No!!!!

I never use my voice because I don't want to force anyone to do anything.

Suddenly out if nowhere Blake got angry and transformed. When a wolf is angry they can transform but that's only with anger nad they cant do it again.

"Thats how you wanna okay it. TO THE PARK NOW." I Said and I transformed...

A black wolf and White wolf fighting. ..

We were fighting. He bit me and I scratched him but nothing to major. We kept pushing each other into trees while the others were crowding around us watching. Teachers couldn't so anything because my Alpha voice cannot be resisted. Dad n ma were in another state. So... Yah..

I wasn't paying attention for a split second and he put down in my neck. It hurt and blood started spilling and I was angry.

"ENOUGH! ASHLEY BACK DOWN! NOW! BLAKE CALM THE HELL DOWN BEFORE I MAKE YOU." tristan yelled using his alpha voice and Bailey helped Dylan and Maya.

I transformed back and everyone saw I was hurt badly and i just blacked out..

I woke up a few days later...

Since that day they bully me. I used my Alpha voice to make them leave me alone.... Ugh. But then that lasted only for a few days. I'm so angry . Even know. Blake was my bestie. My first hug, HH, kiss even.... Ugh.



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