Senior year [Edited]

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Ashley's POV

I woke up to my alarm.


Ugh. It kept ringing and it was so annoying. I contemplated what to do. ITS SO ANNOYING! Maybe it can annoy someone else, I thought and I threw it out of the window and heard an "ouch!"

Oh holy Shit. I did not just hit someone. Off to the worst start of Senior year. Ugh. My dad is going to kill me for hurting someone 😑😑😑

I went to the Window sill quickly to see who the hell I hit. I hope they're a werewolf so they can heal and it won't hurt as much. I hope. I really hope. And as soon as i went to the window... I saw....

Oh darn it. It was my Enemy Blake Carson. Ugh. I am never going to hear the end of this. And I mean never.

"Did you do this Williams?" Blake asked, almost exploding with anger. I kept myself from laughing at the ridiculous face he was making.

"I am sorry. I didn't think anyone would be up at the ass crack of dawn. Especially you.... I am so sorry Carson. Really! Forgive me!!" I said, frantically apologising, forgetting about our childish feud for a bit. I don't hate him that much... Oh who am I kidding. I hate him!

"Yea whatever. We both know you did it on purpose Williams. Just stay the hell away from me or I swear you are dead." Blake said, annoyed and angry.

"Yea mhm. Sorry again Carson." I said through gritting teeth.

I am the heir to the Werewolf throne. And the soon to be Alpha. That means that I always have to be the bigger person. Always.

I can never pick fights or call names. So I always let him win. Mhmmm. And yea that has nothing due to the fact that I like him. Oh no. (Hint the sarcasm) hehe

Anyways. Since it was my first day of Senior year I actually wanted to dressup. I dont like dressing up that much..

I cannot believe i just said that.

I am not a shopaholic. I hate dresses. And I am not girly except i like makeup and heels. And that was because i have a best friend and sister who love makeup and heels. Sydney and Bailey

So today i wore a black Crop top with White Jeans and a denim jacket with a beenie. Oh ya i look da-yum Fine!! All the boys in the block knocking at my door

(a/n get it?)

Then i put on some compact, mascara, blush, eyeliner and lip gloss. I am ready. So damn ready for a kick ass day! Hopefully!

I put on my Black Vans and rush to the kitchen for break fast.

"Hey mom, dad. Hi B. Hi Tris!" I said

"Hi!" Mom and dad said

"Hi Ash!" Bailey said

"Hi Ashy!" Tristan said

"Come on baby bro. I am not 10 anymore... And neither are you!" I said

"No worries Ashy. You will always be my Ashy and older sis!" Tris said laughing.

"Whatevs Tris!" I said "or should I say Tris the Priss?"

"Heyyy!!" He complained

"Aww i love you bro!" I said

"I love u too!" Tris replied

"Ready for Junior year guys?" I asked

"Hell yea!" Tris said

"Yep!" Bailey said

"More girls!!" Tris said drooling a little.

"Like i said Tris. You are not going to be a player and thats final. If i found out you played a girl i will whoop your ass so many times that you will hate girls after that" Luna Kassidy (mom) said

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