Mother Love

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She was running away with her 4 months old child in her arms. She could hear shouting from far away and the trot of the horses. She was breathing heavily and tries to hide in the forest. Her child cries suddenly and she tries to calm her baby down before someone could hear its cries. She could hear the shouting. "Look everywhere. They can't be far away.", one of the men said holding a torch. It was already dark and still, the men were searching for them. She was afraid that they would find them. She was hiding as good as she could in the woods. She did hear cracking and footsteps coming closer to their hiding spot. She was praying to go that they won't find them. "Why do we even have to search for that woman and her brat?", one of the men said annoyed and wanted to get back home. "Quiet! Or do you want that the emperor finds out that you disobey his orders?", another older man said and the man was shaking his head knowing what would happen to him if he does. The woman was happy when they went far away from her hiding place. She slowly did try to find a way out of here and far away from the men but she stepped on a branch which alarmed the men moving their torches into her direction. "THERE SHE IS! CATCH HER!", the general ordered and the men ran after her. She was running as well as she could stumbling on her way. But then and arrow did pierce her leg and she fell and screamed out of pain. She accidentally let drop her baby which started to scream. She tried to reach her baby girl but the men were already here stabbing her with their katanas and speers until she fell silent and didn't move any longer. Even if they stabbed her she was trying to protect her baby from everything until she made her last breath. Her once lively eyes were now empty. The men did drag her body away like it was trash. The baby girl was taken by another man. First, he wanted to kill her as well but then choose to take her in and later sell her if she was old enough.

The man was taking the baby with him to his wife. He told the others that he did throw the baby over the clive. So he wouldn't get in trouble later. He was taking her to his wife which was confused why he did bring a stranger's baby but the idea he had was changing her mind. "We will get for sure a lot of money for her later.", he told his wife and was smirking evil. "That for sure because of her red hair.", his wife said and was laughing evil. They would take other children in and raise them until they were old enough to be sold in Okiyas or brothels. "How should we name this child?", she asked her husband suddenly and the knew that this baby needs a name and it also had to be Japanese. They were thinking for a while before they found a fitting name for the baby girl. "Akira would be a good name for this small brat.", she suddenly said. The name was meaning bright, intelligent or clear. Her nickname would be Aki which means autumn because of the fact that the girl's hair is red like the leaves in the autumn season. They would raise her until she was around 6 or 7 years old. She also would be used as some kind of slave, who has to cook, wash clothes and so on.

They sure would have regretted to save this child if they would have known what future it will drag them in. Let's see what the future brings and what will happen next.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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