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Marley actually does eat, though not very much. Lola had taken his previous meals—probably because they were cold—so he starts taking small bites of his grilled cheese. It's really not helping his hunger situation much, since he hasn't eaten for so long and he should probably have more than this.

Marley hasn't moved from the floor, and he's not totally sure why. The bed feels really cold and empty and lonely, and even though heat rises, the floor is much more welcoming. 

Maybe this is because when he lived at the castle and his father would upset him, or he'd feel lonely or tired and the workload was getting too much for him, he'd always sit on the floor right by the door with his back leaned against the wall. Just like he is now. He hadn't even realized he did that until just now, as he does the very same thing in isolation. It makes him feel more safe. Better than being out in the open.

Marley feels stupid for it, but he still doesn't get up.

Lola's not coming back, Marley's almost positive. Or, she is coming back, but it's gonna be with his breakfast. He doesn't know what he even expects of her. What, is she gonna sneak Nero down here? There's a very good chance there are cameras down here, and it's not like he could break into the office anyway. This place has guards and locks all over the place.

Marley needs to chill. He can make it one more day. No he can't. Yes he can. What time is it?

This sucks. There is no clock in here and Marley has no idea how long it's been since Lola left. It could 8 pm or 1 am, he doesn't know. Maybe he should try the door and see if it's unlocked? He could totally sneak out of here.

Okay, no he couldn't. He'd get caught within like two minutes. Marley should just try to go to sleep, even though he will most likely fail horribly. He hasn't slept in two days now and it may or may not be starting to take a toll on his already screwed up mental health. He needs to eat first, though.

Marley shivers, and is reminded once again why sitting on the floor is a bad idea in the state he's in. He still doesn't get up.

Marley sighs, curling in on himself some more. He abandoned his blanket after his shower because it doesn't really help him anyway, all it does is remind him that he's a walking corpse that can't even generate his own body heat. The only thing Marley has ever relied on other people for is being around him. That's all he has ever asked for, is just some company. This is why he hates the fact that the removal of his heart has forced him to rely on others for so much more.

Marley needs to find something to do. That's also about the tenth time he's said that to himself, and he's yet to do anything about it.

Marley ducks his head to press his forehead against his knees, folding his arms over his head.

Marley's definitely losing his mind, no question there. He's never gone this long without human contact—aside from the two minute intervals that include Lola bringing him food and checking on him.

Marley hears a strange zapping sound, and his head shoots up to find himself in complete darkness. The lone light in the room just went out, bathing everything in total darkness. There's a light in the bathroom, Marley remembers, and he could walk over there and open the door. There would at least be some light in here if he did so.

He stays seated. In fact, he just goes right back to shivering and curling into a ball. He also used to do this when he was a kid, every time his parents got into a fight. Conflicts didn't happen much, since the queen would typically do everything in her power not to cause conflicts with Allorn. When the two did get into it, however, it was always a messy ordeal. Half the time they would dismiss the castle staff early. It got that bad.

Atelo [MXM] [BOOK 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now