Two; Knowing

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I got up, wiping my hand onto my pants (the hand I coughed into) and took a plate, getting myself food after Edd did, I plucked two pancakes and 6 pieces of bacon. I then set chocolate chips, some strawberries, and whipped cream onto my pancakes, plopping some syrup on them as generously I could of course.

I then settled my dish at the table, Edd was already digging into his food to the right of my plate; Tom and Matt were beginning to make their plates now. I made myself a glass of milk, snatched a fork and thus sat at the table, outset on prying into my pancakes. They were so flavorful, inducing me to almost moan from the delight of the flavor.

Shortly Tom and Matt were sitting down at the table and eating as well. I was starving and wolfed down my food. Well, I also preferred to go back to my room so I can freely cough, hack and puke up flowers without anyone noticing.

When I was done I stood up and departed to the sink, washing my dishes, listening as Edd proceeded to try and provoke a conversation with Tom and Matt. I dismissed them, just wanting to go to my room.

As I finished Tom appeared beside me, so he could work on his dishes, I rapidly put my dishes on the drying rack and moved to head to my room. I got to my space in relief, shutting and sealing the door behind me when I began coughing, it was a consolation and an irritation to be hacking up blossoms. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

I yanked an incredibly small trashcan that I had in my room and began to throw up into it, hurling buds and some of the food I just ate....great, this is just wonderful.

When I finished I wiped at my mouth and flipped the flowers off angrily, settling the trashcan far off from me to deal with later. Abruptly, however, there was a whack at the door, startling me. "Hey. Commie, we need to talk," Tom's voice grumbled through the door. I freaked out silently.
Talk about what!? Wait, DID he see the flowers!?

The doorknob twisted a sliver but the door didn't open since I had locked it, Tom growled, "Come on, I know you're in there, Tord. Unlock your door asswipe!" I shifted to the door, straightening up a bit as I unlocked and opened it, being met by a tall, disgruntled looking, eyeless(?) British man of whom which was the factor of my disease.

Tom stepped in, shutting the door behind him as he eyed me, I think, "Were those flowers you coughed up earlier?" His eyebrow was raised and arms crossed, waiting for my answer. I froze up.
HE DID SEE, OH GOD WHAT DO I DO!? Maybe he doesn't know the disease?

I laughed it off, "O-oh- uh- yeah, I swallowed some seeds and y-yeah-" I lied, Tom didn't seem to believe it though, throat feels so scratchy and I feel sick again.

"Hanahaki disease." Tom just stated, stunning me. Should I along then, then he'll leave me alone? I shrugged, chuckling, "H-haha- yeah- this disease sure is annoying-" I sighed, but then Tom interrupted me, "Who is it you like?" He asked, not sounding all that curious in it.

I went silent for a moment, "...I.." I scowled, I cant just...tell him, it won't change his mind, I know he despises me and I don't wish for him to force himself to like me, that probably wouldn't work though anyways.

"It's Edd, isn't it? You and him have always been a bit...close." Tom came off furious about it.....oh wait..I remember in high school Tom asked Edd out and got rejected....I'm guessing he still likes him.

I didn't want to ruin Tom's chances or anything, so I shook my head, "..Matt?" It was his next guess, I chose to just go along with it, "Y-yeah.." I lied, sounding sheepish, I then began coughing. I guess it's okay if Tom sees now then...

Tom contemplated me silently, even when I crumpled the flowers and put them in my pocket, " that all..?" I asked. Tom's eyebrows narrowed, "I can tell you're lying, just tell me who it is, I may hate your guts but Edd would be sad if you died over a stupid disease, I despise saying this, but I'm willing to assist you with getting with your crush."

I withered, feeling...upset, it...hurt to hear Tom say he hated my guts, it made me need to upchuck again. "..Of...course.." I sighed, then a bawled my fists, looking away, "'s... it's you.." I said quietly.

There was silence, Toms eyes were white and staring at me, "...but, I hate you.."

I laughed, "I know, hahaha-" oh...god that, it felt like I was impaled, I tried not to cry as I began to cough, gagging, "...I...I'm- I'm gonna...go t-to a special hospital...they'll remove the plant from my body, which will...remove the feelings too.." I smiled, pocketing more flowers.

"Good." Tom left the room, once when I was alone again I began to cough more, glaring at the flowers and laughing a little at them before I began to cry. I always knew you hated me, Tom...I knew it, but it hurts so goddamn much.

I moved to my bed and curled up into a ball, weeping into a pillow. God, I'm so pathetic and stupid!

I don't know how long I was crying for...I coughed a ton as well while sobbing, hacking up those ridiculous flowers.

When I was done being a fragile bitch I got up from the mattress, cleaning up everything and pushing to my mirror. I looked like a tragic mess. I spruced up my face and sighed, having a headache from the crying.

After concluding that I looked agreeably I seized my wallet, put on my shoes, threw away all the flowers that I shoved in my pocket before finally leaving my room. I looked worn and malicious, striving to conceal my grief as I went to the living room, so I could leave. "Hey, where are you going?" Edd asked curiously. I hesitated, "..out." I only asserted, abandoning the house and beginning to just wander to who knows where.

1079 words

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