Chapter 24

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Harry's POV


   This week was absolute hell, but I continued to keep the smile on my face that seemed to make all the girls in this school swoon and fall over my feet in the most annoying and obvious way possible. Didn't girls realize that guys love a chase more than anything? Making it too easy for us took all the fun out of things. 

    Except the one girl I actually wanted to swoon over me. Memphis had a lock on her face and heart that was harder to break through than a bank vault. All week I had been waiting on her to finally give in. To show up at my house or call me or something, to tell me what was going on and let me fix whatever the hell is wrong between us. But that wasn't happening. I had been letting all these girls hang all over me, laugh and smile in my face in a way that I never allowed before. I wasn't showing any interest back, but I wasn't telling them to piss off either like I used to. I half expected Knox or Dickson to beat my ass after school one day for practically fucking their sister in the locker room and then having a different girl on me after each break in between classes. But that didn't happen either. 

    Knox looked confused, but didn't say anything. Which made sense, because I was confused too and I was willing to bet he had no idea what was going on either. Dickson on the other hand? That asshole knew something, because every time he saw one of those girls hanging on my arm or attempting to worm their way into my lap, he always peeked over at Memphis and had some small secretive smile on his face, like he was waiting on something.

    Which confused me even more and pissed me off all at the same time. None of this was making sense and it was starting to seriously drive me insane. It was finally Friday though, and Gray and Austin invited me to go to a party with them. Not able to pass up the opportunity for distraction, I immediately agreed. I was currently in my room drying off from my shower and getting dressed while sitting on my bed when my dad knocked twice and then opened the door. 

    "Sup?" I ask, hoping this conversation will be short and sweet.

   "You going out somewhere?" He asks, while leaning against the door frame and crossing his feet at the ankles. 

    "Yeah. Gray and Austin asked if I wanted to go hang out with them tonight at someone's house." 

    "Oh that's good, that's good. You've seemed a little quiet this week, maybe that will help cheer you up." 

    I laugh humorlessly under my breath. "Yeah, sure dad."

    "Everything okay, son? Anything you wanna talk about?"  

    I shake my head. "Nah, i'm good." 

   "Son, I understand if you're upset with me. But not talking about things isn't going to make them better. You know I did what I did because I just don't want to see anything happen to you, or your future." 

   I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What are you talking about?" 

   "Memphis." He says, like that explains everything. 

    "What about her?" 

   "Aren't you all upset because of her?" 

    "Yeah, but what the hell does that have to do with you?" 

    Realization or understanding seems to dawn on his face. "She didn't tell you?" 

    "Tell me what?" I stand up and take a couple steps closer to my dad, already knowing i'm not going to like where this conversation is going.

    "Memphis..i'm the one who asked her to stay away from you." 

   "What?" I ask, not expecting that to be his answer at all. 

Absolutely, Positively, No Harry's Allowed// H.SWhere stories live. Discover now