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New chapter!!

I know I suck for not uploading so now I'm trying to as soon as possible and I hope you like where the stories are going!!!


Enjoy and I apologise if there are any spelling errors.

Why isn't he wet?!
Why isn't he soaked in water like he's supposed to be?!

I tried again and still, he remained dry. Not a single drop of water was on him! It's not possible for him to be dry when I practically made it rain on him!

Then I tried fire and hen started to lose his confident smirk he had on earlier when he wasn't getting wet. A ball of fire hit him square in the chest and still, NOTHING!

What was happening?
Nothing would work!
The wind wouldn't knock him down, it just breezed through his hair easily and might I add, made him look even hotter. He didn't get burnt nor did he get wet. And when an earth plate hit him it crumbly turned into crumbly soil.

This is just crazy.

I turned to look at him, seething with rage. He was perfectly unharmed! If not, he just looked more edible.

A) he's in his boxers
B) he's all sweaty
C) he's dirty, literally covered in the crumbly soil

See what I mean?

I quickly saved this mental picture of him all sexed up.
I was supposed to be furious at him, not drooling over him!

Demetri seemed stunned at what just happened. Even more than I was.
"Just forget this happened" i growled as I snatched the book from his hand.

I kept on thinking about everything that happened so far with Demetri and I.
We always had the strangest moments together. It could get awkward, I thought


Demetri was going to stitch the logo of the school crest onto the shirt pocket, and in order to that, I had to be wearing it so he knew where exactly to place it. So I was in the shirt (and nothing else but my underwear).  
Why couldn't I have worn pants?!

"So just..uh..stay still..okay?" Demetri stuttered.
I just nodded quickly.
I mean, it was slightly weird. A really hot guy who shares a room with you is holding on to your right boob because he's your seamstress for now.
It don't get better than that!

Did I say slightly weird? I meant extremely weird.

He was holding onto my boob and well, was strange but well, I'm Adara...strange things just happen to me and follow me all the time!

He was so close to me and my breathing pace was starting to quicken and my heart beat was audible.

Fantastic Adara, now he knows he's making you nervous!

That's it! I'm unsubscribing to this channel! Good for nothing U-R-Lame Channel...

"'m done with the front..but I umm...need to check the...err..other side of the I can see if there aren't any..uh..threads or stuff..." he said uncomfortably.

Then his words sunk in and I realised he was going to see me in my underwear. I mean it would be okay with the other guys, but me and Demetri had something weird between us. With the other guys I could tease them and well...yeah. But with Demetri it was so much more...

And he wasn't just going to see, he was going to be extremely close to my hardly covered body. Joy.Lovely.Great.

"Uh..yeah, sure!" I said quickly unbuttoning the first few buttons so he could get to the other side of the shirt.

His eyes traveled down to my chest and then further down to my belly-button piercing then slightly further to the rim of lace that you could see from my panties.

I cursed myself. Why couldn't I wear normal underwear? Why did it have to be so colorful and lacy or come in flashy prints and styles?!

He cleared his throat, clearly feeling the awkwardness and tension in the air.

He started fixing the stitches and it was no surprise his eyes would glance back at my boobs from time to time. Well, at least it wasn't Zach, he would try to get handsy and probably just stare. Scratch that, drool.

So now there is this super hot emo angel 2cm away from touching me and is eye level with my breast as he is stitching my shirt pocket. YAY! Wonderful.Fantastic.Beautiful.Lovely.

It sucks to be me.

Well, Demetri is it's not that sucky to be me.


"Hey...umm that was weird. So I think I'm going to just forget it. And by the way, your book wasn't the only thing that was delivered." Demetri said holding a fairly large box "It has some of your  personal belongings" he said grinning and handing the box to me.

I took the box from him and walked away.

But I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard him.

"I like cupcakes too." he said in a voice you could easily tell he was smirking.

I looked in my box to notice it was open, by Demetri obviously.

It was a box from home filled with books, make up, shoes, CDs, DVDs, pictures....and two of my favourite bra and panty sets.

One in a leopard print, which was fairly common and one in a...cupcake print.


I watched him laugh as he went up the stairs.

Demetri, you stupid asshole!

You stupid, sexy asshole...

The North School for the Supernatural (MAJOR EDITING) [previously SARW5SNH!]Where stories live. Discover now