Part Twelve~

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Aditya gestured for her to take a seat before he sat behind her so his chest was resting against her thinning back “I will kick the bottom, just keep your feet on the standing there” his voice was a mere husky whisper against the lobe of her ear.

Shivering, her eyes shut tightly when he brushed her hair out of the way so he could rest his chin atop her shoulder. “Where do I put my hands?”

Kicking the wheel, he placed his hands around hers after centring the clay “Just here” he mouthed across her skin, hands curving to press the heels of her hand so it would become circular. “Now stretch out your fingers and push in with a little pressure” his thumb moved down hers, stopping at her wrist and rubbing soothing circles that made her press against him a little more.

“What” she gulped, “What are you doing?” Zoya knew the way his fingers moved against hers was straying from what they were meant to be doing, but having him so close didn’t seem so bad when all she’d ever dreamt of was cherished moments with someone special, yet even something as small as this worried her, though she enjoyed him and everything he did, be it their movie and pyjama day, the food he made her or this, she also found herself being too scared to just live in the moments she’d wished forever for, one because it always ended badly and two because she could only be safe if she didn’t develop feelings, due to his odd quirks and childlike behaviour as well as the way he’d treat her she found herself beginning to fall for him- and that was one thing she’d been trying so hard not to do.

“Enjoying you” he smiled into her hair, a part of him knew that being this forward would scare her and having her in a position where she was caught between his arms would only leave her feeling boxed in, but he couldn’t help but want to explore more with and about her. She was exquisite and having her so near to him had only exuberated his own desires that had manifested throughout the years alone, he hated to be the kind of man affected by his baser urges, but he couldn’t stop if he tried.

“Oh” ducking her head, she dug her nails into the clay when his lips traced a scar on her back “A-Aditya if someone sees then”.

“Mm-hm, my brother and his wife are in the storeroom, no one else is here” moving his hands to her arms, he buried his nose into her hair, a rough sigh warming her neck. “Staying away from you is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do” he admitted, it always was easier to be honest when she couldn’t see him. “If you want me to stop just say the word” resting his forehead beneath the crinkled skin, he huffed. Aditya could only hope at this point that she wouldn’t turn him down, being this way felt so unknown to him, he wasn’t usually the type to be so affected by someone, but she was changing a lot about him.

Turning her head a little, her nose scrunched “You have some um” she gestured to his face, a melodic giggle shaking her shoulders when he touched the wrong side, “No” holding a tissue in the water, she dabbed it on his cheek slowly, her breath catching when she noticed his gaze fall to her lips.

Arjun peered down at his watch “Wait, let me just ask Bhai something” his foot rose to step outwards when his wife gripped his wrist in a deadlock hold. “What are you doing?”

“Shush” she growled “Look” her smile widened, “I’ve never seen him so happy”.

Following her line of sight, he grimaced “He may get too happy if I don’t distract him” yes his classroom was dirty, but not that kind of dirty and if that occurred he’d never be able to go in there again.

The Winter's Widow (ADIYA VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now