Part Sixteen~

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Aditya woke with a start, his wavy hair stuck to the back of his sweaty but cool neck and his cheeks flushed red, stretching out a hand to search for his wife, he frowned when all he felt was an ice-cold sheet when he should’ve felt the warmth of her body. Slightly afraid, but slightly curious his eyes shot open and he jolted upwards “Zoya?” When the sound of her name echoed from wall to floor without a response his heart sunk, had she really left him? Were her vows last night a murmur of desperation because she longed to get away from him that badly? Pushing his toes firmly into the carpet, he knocked a curtain back and headed for the stairs “Zoya? Zoya?” Practically skidding down the bumps, he swung around the bannister “Zoya?” His voice cracked when his most faithful companion whined up at him.

A loud clatter came from the kitchen and then a squeal.

His brows knitted, creeping toward the noise, his fist clenched “Zoya?”

Noor shoved her tongue into her cheek, arms crossed and foot tapping in annoyance. “Zoya, Zoya, Zoya, does anyone ever say Noor?” Huffing, she flicked her curly waves from her shoulder.

“Sorry” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s good to see you, but-“.

“It’s good to see me but you want to know where Zoya is, I get it” her tone was high pitch, ringing in his ears. “How I wish Arjun asked after me like this” sighing, she looked off into dreamland.

“Noor” he frowned, pleading her name with a little more force, she always got distracted at the worst times. “Where is she?”

Looking at him funnily, she pulled a face “Who?”

“ZOYA!” He growled, hand smacking his forehead, she never paid attention when it mattered.

“Ohhh” mimicking his action, she giggled “Well, why didn’t you just say that?”

“I did” his teeth gnashed together ferociously, “You know what, never mind, just tell me where she is” he adored his sister in law, she was great for his younger brother and always made him laugh, but the traits he always praised were quickly becoming infuriating.

“Tell you where who is?”

Aditya held his hand up, fingers scrunching up into his palm “My. Wife”. His eyes shut, “Where. Is. Zoya?” By the end of the sentence, he was screaming, his head pounding due to the unnecessary effort it took to talk to the woman in front of him

“Ohhhh” she smiled, “Yeah, I don’t know” shrugging, she turned back to the bowl and continued to mix it, seeing the anger on his face, she spun back around slowly “What? You want some cake mix?”

“What I want” he exhaled, trying and mostly failing to reign his temper in, “Is to know where Zoya is” massaging his temple, he turned around so he wouldn’t have to look at her.

Noor gargled loudly “No need to keep repeating yourself, you’re so obsessed” shaking her head, she swayed her hips to the song on the radio.

“I wouldn’t have to repeat myself if you would’ve answered me the first time” he was seconds from slamming his head against the refrigerator when the front door opened.

“Well, sorry, I’ve had a long morning getting rid of your rat infestation” she shouted out causing him to glare at her.

“I don’t have a rat infestation” his brows met again, a common occurrence when Noor was around.

“Yes you did, Sheila” she winked over her shoulder. It was not her first time dealing with slimy creatures, she was basically a pro at this point.

Arjun stepped into the kitchen “She’s gone” he wiped beads of sweat from his forehead.

Aditya stepped closer, hands resting on his shoulders “Who, Zoya?”

Swinging a bag of flour around so it tipped over him, she rested her hands on her hips “No, Sheila, the rat, he was on trash duty” ignoring his coughing fit, she rolled her eyes back. “Go shower, you’re a mess” she ordered, shooing him away with her hand.

“And who’s fault is that?” He spat, shaking his now white hair to rid the powder that had stained his entire being.

Her jaw dropped “Well it isn’t mine, you were annoying me, that’s on you” she waited until he had stormed off angrily towards the shower before she turned to her husband, her face clouded with concern, “We won’t be able to distract him forever, we need to find Zoya and pronto” her hands clapped.

Peering around to ensure no one was listening, he brushed his hair back then ran his hand down his face. Changing his voice to a shouted whisper, he grimaced, “I’ve looked everywhere, I can’t find her, she has to be around here somewhere because the only other way out was the boat and that’s not running” he tapped his chin, “But where is she?”

“Well, what are you wasting time here for? Go and look, Aditya’s birthday is tomorrow and if we haven’t found her by then, there will be no celebration and you know how badly I need cake” her hand fell to her stomach, a pout forming on her lips.

“Oh, don’t try and blame it on the baby, you’re the pig here” his hands framed her belly, “Mama’s going to make you a piggy too” he cooed, kissed her cheek then went to leave.

“Remember one thing, Arjun, you are replaceable, call me a farm animal one more time and I’ll kill you for insurance” she shouted in annoyance, yet a smile still played on her lips. Lifting the house phone, she dialled a number and fell onto the sofa “Hello, I’m calling to report a missing person”.

Aditya ran the towel over his chest, his head bent to hear what she was saying as he pulled a t-shirt over his wet hair. “Where are you, Zoya?” Narrowing his eyes, he took a seat on the bed, the tiniest glimmer of sliver catching his eye from the bag on the countertop, reaching for it, his head shook “No, I won’t look” this was hers and he wasn’t about to invade her privacy, whatever it was she could show him when she returned, because she would come back, she’d come back to him. He had to believe that or he’d go mad with worry.

Noor slammed the phone down, her nails scratching her scalp in frustration. Looking up at her brother in law, she smiled “H-“.

“Don’t” he held his hand up to stop her, “No more games, why are you here? Where is my wife?”

Gulping, she turned her phone around “I got a message from your phone asking Arjun and I to rush here, when we pulled up at the house I saw Sheila and assumed that’s what you needed help with, we came here and waited for you to wake up, when you asked where Zoya was I realised something was wrong and that maybe she’d sent the message, I didn’t want to worry you so-“.

“So nothing” his fist hit the wall, “You should have told me” tapping his body to search for his phone, he rushed back up the stairs, “Noor, my phone isn’t here”.

At that exact point, his brother rushed back inside, breathless and blue in the face “I think I know where she is”.

Dun, dun, dun! Where is Zoya? Any ideas?
Opalescent + Shades Of Onyx And Ruby are coming soon!

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