Part Thirteen~

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The fear of having something precious stolen was one that had stayed with Zoya for what felt like forever now. As she watched one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen hang around her husband like he’d never been hers, the sickly feeling that haunted her returned. This was it, this was what she’d been expecting, he had another woman, one that was everything she wasn’t and she was here to take away the only thing she had left. Hate filled her veins and clasped her heart with each tear-filled glance she spared the bag in her hands, she’d got too relaxed, believed him to be better and given away her only opportunity to escape. Seconds from dropping the present, Noor’s words returned to her head.

All I’m saying is, I understand it’s hard to be intimate, it took me ages, there’s no rush, no necessity for it to ever happen either, but Aditya is a good man and men are a bit thick, they require really obvious reminders that you’re at least interested in more than friendship, unfortunately, the difference between a friendship and a relationship is the sexual chemistry, the act of sex itself and the romance, so if a friend is what you want, that’s okay, but if you want more, if you want what husbands and wives do then don’t let him go, sometimes we have to fight for what we want, I had to fight for Arjun, he wasn’t interested at first, but now he’s wrapped around my little finger” she giggled.

Aditya’s words caught in his throat when he felt a cold hand slither through his, looking down, he relaxed “Zoya” he breathed a sigh of relief, desperation for her to trust in him more than what she saw clinging to his irises in a murky fog.

“Fortunately, the boat won’t return for another few days, which means I’ll be here for your birthday” she wasn’t opposed to admitting it was her money that ensured that, but it seemed money could buy many things, her childhood love, Aditya had just never been one of them. “Hey, I’m Sheila, you must be A’s wife” she held her hand out.

Catching her arm before she could shake hers, his head shook “There is a cabin up the hill, now if you’ll excuse me, my wife is cold” he pulled her to the door, “Oatie, in”.

Holding her boot against the door, she smirked: “Ah, ah, not so easy, your uncle, darling man he is said I should stay here and that if I didn’t then I could call him and he’d come and talk with you himself”.

At that he fell back “You have no idea” his teeth grith together angrily, “No idea what that man is capable of, the fact you’d use him against me shows how low you’ve fallen” opening the door a little wider, he looked over at his wife apologetically, hoping she’d understand.

Her face fell, she’d hated herself for using that to sway him, but she was helpless. She loved him and couldn’t bear seeing him with someone else that would never know him like she did. Though she didn’t know exactly what the issue was with his uncle she hoped he hadn’t entrusted his wife with that information before he had with her.

Zoya’s brows joined, there was something about his uncle that left him unsettled, first the way he’d lashed out after the phonecall, now even just a mention of him left him giving in. He had saved her, now it was time for her to do the same! “Aditya?”

“Zoya” he approached her mournfully, “I’m so-“.

Placing a finger on his lips, she shook her head “If she has to stay here then we can go to the cabin, I haven’t seen it yet and I, I’d like to” rubbing away the blush from her cheeks, she dropped her hand “Only if you want to, we don’t have to, I was just-“.

This time he put his hand over her mouth “I’d love to, let’s go” he held her hand and wrapped her arm beneath his. Grateful for her quick thinking, he turned his head and smacked his thigh “Oatie, let’s go”.

Seeing the dog resting his two front paws up on the new woman’s lap, Zoya knelt down “Oatie, come on”.

Running towards her, he jumped up and barked, head nuzzling her hand.

“Oh, I see” Aditya shook his head unamused.

“Wait” Sheila gulped, “Don’t go, look I’m sorry if-“.

Ignoring her, he slammed the door, practically dragging Zoya up the snowy mountain until he unlocked the cabin door and turned on the lights. Falling onto the leather couch, he sunk his nails into his scalp and rubbed his eyes fervently with his palms, truth be told he was exhausted from the backlash of memories surrounding his uncle, Sheila’s return, his wife’s truth and her disappearance earlier that he hadn’t thought to tell her to pack a bag, but he couldn’t go back there and there was no way in hell he’d allow her to either.

Running her hands over the varnished wood on the walls, her nails scraped across the moss beside the window that dripped dew onto her fingers. The lighting was low, highlighting his figure in a glow that the sun would surely envy. The luscious green furniture against mahogany made her feel right at home in an unknown land “Did you build this?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “My clothes are in the wardrobe upstairs, I’ll leave something out for you, I’m going to bed” he knew what was coming and being around her like this would only scare her more. His chest tightened with each creaky step he took up the oblong-shaped stairs, pricking his ribs when he lit the candles to guide her way and finally leaving him fighting for breath when he reached the bed that was draped within velvet curtains and covered in a soft, fluffy duvet of the same colour.

Creeping quietly after him, she gasped at the tealight candles adding a warm glow to the towel and shirt he’d left out, fingering the collar as she removed her jumper, bra and jeans, she slipped it on, basking in the scent of him that overpowered her. She didn’t wish to unsettle him, but she knew something was wrong and if she didn’t even try to find out, it would plague her till the sun rose. Pulling a curtain back, she tugged the shirt down as much as she could “Aditya?”

He huffed “Go to sleep” he ordered brashly, annoyed at himself for releasing his agony onto her. When he heard nothing, he turned to face her, rising to a seating position when he saw how small she seemed in his clothes that dripped over her hands and dangled around her bare thighs “Zoya” his voice was throaty.

Kneeling on the bed, she ran her thumb across a tear on his cheek, eyes shutting when he nestled his face into her hand “What do you need?” She whispered, he’d done so much for her, she craved to return the favour.

“You, only you” he pulled her to him so she fell atop him as he hid his face in her hair, his guttural sobs shaking her body as he dug his hands into her hips.

All I’ll say is ang laga de re😊! I absolutely promise the next chapter is not one you want to miss, but if you’re interested in a very and I mean very flirty Aditya and an easily angered Zoya, then check out Shades Of Onyx And Ruby which has also been updated!

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