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Natasha lightly knocked on Steve's ajar door. "You got a minute?"
"Not if this is about the Accords, I don't want to fight over this with you." Steve answered.
"It's not. Well it kind of is but I should have told you this years ago." Natasha shook her head.
"Okay." Steve allowed.
"I'm so sorry about Peggy. I know how much she meant to you." Natasha began.
"How did you know? I hadn't told anyone yet." Steve asked.
"SHIELD never died. It just went underground to rebuild. It's going to go public when the Accords get ratified next week. I've been named the new Director." Natasha answered.
"I see. At least you told me before the rest of the world finds out." Steve responded coldly.
"That's not all. The reason they picked me is because I'm like you. I'm an enhanced individual with abilities that I can control. I'm an Avenger so the public thinks somewhat favorably of me and the government thinks they have leverage over me because of my past." Natasha continued.
"What do you mean you're like me? How are you enhanced?" Steve balked.
"I'm a super-soldier. To a lesser degree than you but it's what I am. When I joined SHIELD, Nick kept it off the records. Said we didn't need the government trying to create more of me... I have to disclose when I sign the Accords, go public." Natasha answered.
"Don't do this. You're willingly walking into a situation where I can't follow - where I can't protect you." Steve pleased.
"I never asked for your protection and I'm doing this because I'm trying to protect us all." Natasha restated. "I know you think you're doing what's right and maybe you are but right now we have to compromise if we have any hope of wethering this storm."
"I'll think about it." Steve reluctantly agreed. "And I'm your partner; I'm always gonna be there to protect you, regardless of whether or not you ask for it."
"Don't make promises you can't keep." Natasha cautioned.

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