You Can't Hurt Me...

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[Setting - Galra Prison]

Keith was sitting in his cell, holding his knees, but not close to his chest. His arms were loose around them, Keith in deep thought. He wondered how everyone was feeling right now.

Would they even care if he was gone? He does cause a lot of problems. Or he did.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, his head shooting up and turning it over to the door. His eyes widened. He sees two Galra guards holding someone by the arms. That someone was bruised and weak.

And that someone...

Was Lance.

"Get in," the guard shoved the weak paladin into the cell, Keith rushing to him before giving the guards a glare. The guards say nothing. "You two will be in a battle tomorrow." Keith is determined to get out with Lance. Alive.

"Who do we have to fight?" Keith's voice was dark and serious. It sent a chill down Lance's spine when he heard it. Even though he was, currently, only half conscious. The two jump at hearing the guards laugh together. "The two of you have to fight against each other. When one falls, the other gets to leave."

One of them has his heart stop completely, his breathing short as he watches the guards close the door. He looked up at Keith, noticing he had a similar expression.

"Keith..." His voice was so frail and weak, it hurt Keith just to hear it. He never sounded so genuine. He lifted his shaking hand to Keith's chest before placing it there.

"You can't...let me win...."

That was not an option. It can't be.

Keith looked at Lance with a shocked, but angry look. "Lance, I am not killing you! Why would you-" "They need you, Keith..." His voice was watery now, tears burning his eyes. Keith's heart breaks at the sight. He was so hurt. It was obvious. He didn't want to die. But he felt he had to in order for the others to win.

To win this damned war.

"They need you. They don't need me. Allura is there... She already fits in the mold. You don't need me," Lance looked at him dead in the eyes. He was serious. The hot tears go down the sore and bruised cheeks. They fall to the ground. "Please, Keith... Don't do this. Don't let me win.." Keith felt a lump build in his throat.

He didn't want to lose him.

He couldn't lose Lance. The most important person in the universe. His most important person.

His hands move to Lance's arms before the pair tightened around them, Lance quietly grunting in response.

The grip goes loose after that, but still tight. Keith had something burn in his eyes as well. The tears went down to the armor Lance wore. His thumb rubs against Lance's arm. "I can't lose you. It's not an option. I-I can figure something out, Lance! Just give me time!" He yelled out, even though Lance was right there.

Lance knew he was hurting. But he didn't understand why. His fingers graze his chest, Keith flinching. "We don't have time." Keith really didn't want to hear that. He didn't want to hear that time was running out. That it wasn't enough. He knew Lance was right, and it was killing him inside. "Damnit, Lance, why?!"

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