Love is Us

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[Setting - Outside ---> Their Room]

[Warning - small 18+/sexual content involved]


Lance was outside. Outside, holding the shovel in his hand close to his chest. He looked down at the flowers that recently grew. The flowers that glowed pink in the night. It made him think of Allura. Of the woman he once loved. But they agreed to stay friends. And both are happy now. So the memory didn't didn't make him sad. Like it used to.

The memories made him happy, for they were moments he cherished. Moments that were special, in their own way.

"Hey," he hears a voice tear through his thoughts like a knife. He turned his head, only to see his lover. Tall, broad, and handsome. It was Keith. He was smiling at him. It sent butterflies to Lance's stomach and made his heart race. He clenched onto the shovel tighter.

"Your face is a mess," Keith softly speaks as he walks closer, gently pressing his hand against Lance's dirtied cheek. Lance leaned into it, smelling the cinnamon scent Keith usually had. Even on his hands. "I was working all night." Lance's eyes are half lidded, but his stare was loving and genuine. His eyes were sparkling in the moonlight, the orbs looking like the ocean sparkling. Keith loved the sight. It sent blood to his cheeks.

"Yet, you look gorgeous..."


"You do."

Keith chuckled at the obvious blush on Lance's face. He denies all the time that he looks great whenever Keith tells him so. But Keith squished his cheeks after that, so now he can't hear Lance say anything about his looks.

"Mmnf! Keeeeef!" Lance whined.

His lips were fish like, but Keith didn't care. He leaned in quick enough, to stop his lover's incoherent speech, feeling Lance's lips against his own. He smelled freshness. Like water and air mixing together. It was nice, calming, and refreshing to sense. He felt Lance's shock, by his jump, but then he felt him melt into it, then a light smile form. His hands slide down to Lance's waist, hugging it and pulling him closer. Feeling the other's hands rest against his arms, not hearing the small thud from the fall of the shovel, it made him feel the warm, fuzzy feeling he'd always get.

Lance was his.

He was Lance's.

They pulled away after what felt like an eternity. It was wonderful, it ached them to leave. Lance looked up at Keith again, feeling like he'd melt. "You sure like kissing, huh?" He joked, but Keith looked at him with a look. It was serious, but it wasn't scary. At all. It was endearing. It held Lance close and didn't let go. He didn't want it to let go. "It's you. Who'd else would I kiss?"

Those two sentences. It sent Lance's blood to the boiling point, reaching to his ears. Those words mean a lot to him. He couldn't figure out why. He hated it when that happened. When he felt something about Keith and never knew why. It'd take him what felt like forever to figure it out, then he'd tell his family, and they'd usually tell him like it wasn't as big of a deal as he thinks it is. He feels like they're right, but also wrong.

It's not like they can feel EXACTLY what he's feeling. I don't understand you, somehow. And it's driving me mad. He wanted to say this. But he bit his tongue and smiled. "I don't know. Who?" That joke made Keith laugh with full happiness. It tugged Lance's heartstrings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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