4. Sanemi Shinazugawa- Soft

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reader has long hair


Wordlessly, I gently pulled off Sanemi's robes and placed my hands upon his skin. They slid around, feeling every rippling muscle that moved whenever he shifted. But I had done that many times before. Instead, my eyes clouded with worry, seeing that he'd accumulated more scars than last time. My fingers ran across the large gash on his side, the rough patch like sandpaper compared to the texture of my finger pad. With a displeased expression adorning my features, I met his gaze. For a moment, he looked worried, vulnerable, even, like a child caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

But that soon faded into another mental blockade, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't read Sanemi's thoughts. I sighed and moved forwards and on top of him, my legs resting on either side of my fiance. It was dark outside, and the room was illuminated by the moon, peeking through our halfway drawn curtains, the light spilling onto the floor like a transparent silver. It streaked the ground with what hope we had of seeing the sun again.

My hands slid from his chest to his neck, then stopped as my palms cupped his cheeks, tips of my fingers gingerly scratching the patch just under Sanemi's ear.

I brought my face closer to his and softly pushed my lips against his, eyes fluttering shut. Shinazugawa's arms came to slither their way around my waist soon after, the pleasant feeling of being held lingering in my mind.

Parting the kiss, we separated with a small smile, locking eyes. I gave Sanemi the slightest shove backwards and he almost keeled over onto the ground, making me giggle and bend over him, slowly pecking his cheeks and eyelids. My hair pooled in puddles on and around him, long strands spilling down my shoulders and covering the sides of my face. 

Shinazugawa's calloused hands took the time to tangle themselves in the tresses, his fingers mellowly rubbing against my scalp. I let out a breath, biting my lip and closing my eyes as he massaged my head, enjoying every bit of the moment. My eyes opened back up when he pressed a kiss against my forehead, and I could feel the tips of his teeth against my skin when he grinned.

As my fiance opened his mouth to speak, I quickly shushed him and shook my head, a finger atop his pinkish lips. There was no need to exchange any words, as I didn't have any for him. This was a time to unwind, to enjoy ourselves, not tire out our lungs with the heavy breaths we take when talking.

I released his mouth from my hold and moved my hands back onto his chest, fingers brushing over the coarse spots on his torso, wincing as I dragged along the longer ones. Peppering kisses all over his face, I heard Shinazugawa grunt, but there was no attempt at stopping me, so I continued.

Beginning to move, I pushed my body against his and brought myself downward. As my head slipped further away, Sanemi broke eye contact and gave a heavy sigh, resting the back of his skull on the surface level to his spine.

I felt him still playing with my hair, brushing the tips at the end together back and forth, as I touched his scars. But once I pushed my lips on the x-shaped gash in the middle of his chest, he froze. The corners of my mouth curled in delight as I continued to kiss every single wound on his torso, moving towards his arms once I was done with his chest.

Taking his hand, I intertwined our fingers and clasped his hand with all my might, squeezing down on it hard when I took my lips to his fingers and palm. Doing the same to the other, I inwardly sobbed as I saw his forearm, completely littered with gashes and marks of his painful past.

After everything, I finally lifted my head to see Sanemi's expression. I still couldn't tell what he was feeling -- his eyes were dull and he looked as if he were in a trance. My eyes darted back at his arms subconsciously and I felt a pang in my chest. This was supposed to be an intimate moment, why did I always have to ruin it? Telling myself not to cry, I resisted for a few moments, but tears couldn't help but leak out.

Fat, hot droplets of water rolled down my rosy cheeks and bundled together at my chin, dripping down onto Sanemi's chest, and getting caught in my hair. Bringing two palms up to cover my face and wipe them away, I silently cried for my love's unfortunate story. I suppose the Wind Pillar noticed that I was discontent right away, as he immediately sat up and tugged at my arms, prying my hands off from my face.

The moonshine lit up my features, reflecting off of the tears staining my skin, tainting my usual happiness. Big, watery eyes looked at Shinazugawa, filled with sorrow, and a quivering bottom lip was just another clue to an obvious answer. He never did understand why I felt so much sympathy towards other people, and I know he regretted telling me about his past, since it made me sad all the time. I bobbed my head down and all my hair fell in front of my face, covering it once more.

I saw him sigh through the sheen blockade, and reach towards me. Delicate hands tucked my locks behind my ears and came to hold my cheeks. I nuzzled against Sanemi's palm as his thumb rubbed away the last of my tears. After drawing back and removing his grip from my face, I leaned forwards and embraced him snugly, the whole of my torso pressed on his. A gasp arose from his chest out of surprise, but he was quick to act in response, hugging me back with all of his might.

Clinging onto Shinazugawa felt normal. It felt real, like the warmth you receive from a fire on a cold day, or the sensation of gliding smoothly on shiny ice. He was always there to love me, despite his bad reputation for his behavior. It was like he was a completely different person. He never yelled at me, he wasn't violent all the time, and on rare occasions like this, he genuinely smiled.

I was never one to be all serious -- I was an extremely emotional person, and could empathize with almost anyone. Upon first meeting Sanemi, I could sense that there was something deeply troubling about him. I nearly sobbed that time, too. The more I hung around him, the more concerned I grew to be. I guess somewhere in the process he caught onto me, and we talked about it for a couple of weeks. It was something we kept between ourselves, and nobody else had to know.

Then here we were.

Letting out a shaky breath, my fingers curled and my body trembled, but Sanemi only held on tighter, muscles pulsing and convulsing under the stress. Was this what it meant to be loved? To have someone hold onto you as tight as possible, unrelentingly grasping you? To have someone that accepts who you are, despite your flaws, is the purest form of love.

For me, my emotions and insecurities

For Sanemi, his temper and past.

If I could hold on longer, I'd latch onto him until the world would inevitably meet its end, and I'm sure he would do the same.

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