Chapter Two - Lets talk about Death with Socrates

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" All I know is I know nothing " - Socrates


Dear diary,

Walking down these streets is like walking towards death but you never know when or where or by who.

When you're here, you'll know it. First comes the smell of smoke, then the noise of whispers, and lastly the sight of the oh-so enchanting titty bar or if you like dirty old saloon. Either way you're here and death is on every corner.

Death. Death I see in layers as I see everything. How I explain Death is simple. A rumor, a result, and lastly a butterfly. In all, he is a complex personality but I know I do not know death. I see him everyday and yet all I know is no one really knows. I mean, after all I'm just a girl who lives inside her own head...


I've been coming here ever since birth. It's a second home. How can I not love this place.

People. Rushing. The noise becomes a haze. Something feels different this morning. I'm on the street. I'm running to school. I feel happy.

Horns. Guns. Screeching hits me all at ounce. The sight not registering with me.

Red. Orange. Yellow. Colors hit me like a cold breeze.

I don't understand. I look down and see red. Blood. Blood on my new shoes from my daddy. I look up and everything went still. Chaos, death, then nothing. It's like throwing a ball up in the air. All motion comes to a stop to redirect due to gravity. The stillness is the calm before the storm. Sooner more than latter hell will break through.

A scream peirced my ears then the devil came out to play.

That was the first time I've seen death. I didn't know it but he was right infront of me and made himself known to me at the innocent age of eight.

The thouht runs through my mind, rushing around on my way to the place I call home. A bar it is but it's not just any bar. This is where all my greatest memories come from. Don't worry it's not just some saloon the house three stories above the main floor is like any other house you've seen. The first two floors are the patron floors

While we're on the subject, the people of sin city are all around. Imagine the projects as a biome and the people here as a sort of population. Lets see if I can remember them all.

There's the poor sap being thrown from a window probably to drunk to mind. Then we have the old man wandering around talking to walls. The hustlers doing their buisness and the whores by their side just wanting some money, just to name a few. But the ones you really have to look for are the secret heros, the kinda good guys, that's me and my dad and our family. We are what you would call 'not bad' but we're not too good either.

I know every one here. it's my home.

My 'family' isn't really my family. When it comes to blood, it's just my dad and I plus my brother Johnny. Even though the rest aren't related to us, they're are still my brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts. If you haven't already figured it out my dad is the head of his gang or 'family' and as his daughter, you can say I'm the safest person alive.

I'm greeted by Johnny, the best bar tender in the projects, as I walk up to the bar.

"Hey Rosie, your dad 's in the poker room. He said that he wants to introduce a new member of the family" Johnny says while pouring Jack Daniels into frosty glass.

"Hmm. Is that so Johnny boy?" I tease while looking around at the place.

That's when I saw him. I knew at first sight he was new. Not that he looked any different wearing a hard expression on a seemingly porcelain face. A black leather jacket on a ripped up, low rise, v-neck and tight black jeans with knuckles busted. He looked of a young James Dean. Trouble. Chocolate curls spilling down his face as he's looking into a glass of hard Scotch as if it held the answer to why the world goes round.

Then I really saw him.

First, the black script and tales that soak his skin. Second, the smell of mint and cologne. Third, his eyes.

Green eyes that chill and warm the pulsing butterflies in my stomach.

Flutter, flutter, flutter. My heart says. Suddenly everything slows as his gaze catches mine.

The chaos of the bar soon becomes just humming in my hear and my pulse loud and slow. Slow like time has forever to go.

I'm falling, slow at first, then BAM! Reality smacks me in the face when I realize he is no longer there. Thoughts left behind to sting the surface. What just happened to me? Where is he? And what is hiding behind those eyes?


Authors note.

Hay! Guess what I have a read!!!!! True first of many steps to come.

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