Chapter Three - Raining Bricks

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" The eyes are blind "


     Dear diary,

It seems the more more society think it knows, the more it tries to help "society". But the more society helps "society" the more corrupt it becomes. Seems like a god complex paradox...


     Im sitting next to Johnny with 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Van Halem roaring in my ears and a few minutes left till the meeting. The dancers start to shuffle out to entertain the many night crawlers of Sin City.

     You would think the lovely dancers are like poor prey to the slime balls trying to pounce on them but it's quite the opposite. I know these girls. I grew up with them and they know how to bring a man to his knees willingly.

     "Hey Rosie" Johnny pulls me out of my head and into the real world like a fall on my ass. "It's time to meet your father and the gang."

     Walking in, you can already feel the anticipation. The air is tense and palpable. All is calm before the storm. Then walks in a middle aged couple with beautiful children trailing behind like ducks in a line.

     The silence is shattered.

     "Welcome. Gang, this is a good friend of mine Dez and his beautiful wife Anny. Oh! And I almost forgot their little ones here. Now, come on lets show 'em some some kindness." And with that the tense air is sliced. I mean, thats all my family needs.

     The calm in taken without a second to spare.

     An explosion of welcomes and cheers rang out. I decided to introduce myself as my dad would want.

     "Hi, I'm Rosie, Dan's daughter." I smiled to the curly haired man.

     " Hey! I've heard a lot about you" He said and talked about him and my dad. I then flocked back in the conversation at the mention of a name.

     "I think my son Harry is around your age. Lil trouble maker couldn't come because he was apparently 'busy'." said the small woman for the first time.

     "Oh! Is going to attend R.J. Hanson High?"

     "Yeah e's going there starting next week. Well very nice talkin' to you. I need to talk to your father." and at that we bid goodbyes.

     I slithered my way out of maze of voices and headed to the bar with Johnny.

     "You now, you should turn in. Tonight's a school night sweet heart." he said.

     "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say dad." I said chuckling.


      "WEE-OOH WEE-OOH, SCERRRRRRRT, PIEW PIEW!" and with that I woke. The sounds of the infamous city wakes me. Well at least I don't need an alarm clock.

     School. A six letter word that inflicts a variety of emotions. Such as: frustration, dread, and excitement. Groaning to myself I roll out of bed and onto to floor where I make more inhuman noises.

     School is described as a place for learning by the squares who haven't gone through the hippocracey of it all.  You're not allowed to leave nor question authority without punishment while none the less being a social event. School. Unexplained tolorence people have still.

     Fridays come like spring. Happiness comes unknown but familiar.

And today is my weekly spring.

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