[she escapes.]

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        Raven's feet pounded against the cold concrete, sloshing in the rain puddles forming along the road. For the last time ever, she whipped my head around to stare at the old, rusty sign reading 'Eichen House' in bold letters.

        "See you in hell," Raven exhaled softly, careful not to make any sounds that triggered the alarm. She's already made that mistake too many times- four to be exact. Her eyes followed the puff of white breath disapate into its surrounding chilled air.

        Raven hugged the gray hoodie tighter around her small torso, and ran. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her; there's no way she can ever face that monsterous place ever again. The cold wind nipped at the bare skin of her face, making Raven cringe away from the harsh conditions. If there was one thing she would miss about Eichen House, it would have to be her only friend Merideth. The thought of her friend, who was close enough to be considered a sister, made Raven want to punch herself in the face; she never even said goodbye. There was a window of oppotunity and Raven took it, not bothering to stop and say goodbye or offer Merideth the option to come with her.

        Raven tiptoed quietly past the metal doorframe, dampening the creaking of the hinged. Adreneline and anxiousness bubbled through her veins- tonight was the night she would finally escape. Giving one last glance at her roomate and only friend, who was snoring lightly on her cot, she contemplated her options. Raven could wake her up, tell her they're finally going to get out of this hell, and run the risk of getting caught, or she could leave without a sound. She chose the latter. As if Merideth might be able to hear her, she thought to herself, "I'm so sorry, Mere." With that, she was off, creeping silently through the unlit halls. Earlier that day, Raven swiped a bobbypin from one of the female workers; now, she grinned mischieviously to herself as she picked the lock that stood between her and her freedom. Raven attempted muffling the door's sqeaks, but it didn't matter anyways; she was out, out and free.

        The world around Raven was a blur of dull colors and light, all she could focus on was running. Ever since she arrived at only ten years old, all she wanted to do was escape, and now her wildest dreams are coming true. Where will I stay?, Raven thought to herself. The fugitive froze in her tracks; she had no one. There wasn't a place for Raven to stay, to get food, to live a full life. Panic engulfed the young girl, washing over her like a tsunami. Suddenly, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Raven fell to the cold ground in a heap, gasping for air and clawing at her throat, just begging for one sip of sweet oxygen. Bright lights flashed in her face, making her cower in fear, shaking like a small child. The smear of white light that overwhelmed her before, now focused so that Raven could take in her surroundings. A silver car- she couldn't name what model it was, only that it looked quite expensive- screeched to a halt merely two inches in front of Raven's nose. The front door swung open to reveal a girl that seemed to be around the same age as Raven herself.

        "Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead,," the girl chanted to herself over and over again, squinting her eyes shut. The mystery girl's long strawberry blonde hair fell over her shoulders, dangling on a navy blue button up dress that was tied with a belt at her waist. Her fair complexion stood out like a blank piece of paper against the night sky. She slowly pried one eye open, flickering down to Raven, who was still curled up in a ball. "You're not dead," the girl whispered, her voice even shakier and full of fear than before. "But you're going to be."

        Sheer terror coursed through Raven's body, a few stray tears trickling down the sides of her face, "Please don't kill me." Raven's throat was scratchy and sore, scurrying back from the girl with the silver car. "Please," she pleaded with all of her soul. 

        "I'm not the one who's going to kill you," she answered back, seemingly just as petrified as Raven. Her blood ran cold, eyes widening to the size of saucers. Am I really going to die as soon as I get the chance to live?, Raven thought, more tears pooling in her eyes. The redhead whipped out a phone and dialed a number without a second thought, "Stiles? Stiles, you need to come here right now." She paused, listening to his response. Her eyes scanned over Raven once more, "Another dead body? Not exactly."


        A long and dreadful fifteen minutes later, a powder blue jeep rolled into view. A pale, tall, and mole speckled boy- who Raven assumed to be the one the girl was on the phone with earlier-  ungracefully fell over his own feet climbing out of the car. 

        "Lydia, what wrong?!," he asked, traces of concern seeping into his tone. The girl with fiery hair shakily extended her finger towards Raven. He stepped forward into the light, eyes examined the girl lying on the concrete. The image of his face instantly became known, and Raven let out a shriek that pierced through the air.

        Raven scrambled to her feet, backing away from the boy, "GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU, GET AWAY, YOU'RE EVIL!"

        A look of confusion and hurt passed over his features, "I'm not going to hurt you." He took another step forward.

        "NO! YOU'RE BAD, I SAW YOU IN THE DREAMS!," each word tore Raven's vocal chords raw, by now tears with streaming down her cheeks.

        "What do you mean?!," he screamed. "We've never even met before!"

        Her voice deteriorated to a tone so low and dark, Raven couldn't even recognize it,

                                                        "You're going to kill us all."

And then everything faded into black nothingness. 

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