[she meets the pack.]

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        Raven woke up in an unfamiliar place, lying on what seemed to be a metal operating table. The room's walls were painted a pale blue, and a group of unknown people surrounded her in a huddle. She shot up immediately struggling against the blurry faces that pinned her down.

        "LET ME GO! I SAID LET ME GO!," Raven kicked and screamed, flailing around desperately to find a way out. Then once again her gaze landed upon the pale, mole covered boy; she instantly tore adverted her eyes. "GET HIM AWAY FROM ME! HE'LL KILL US, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

        The men around her suddenly stopped their fighting, utterly puzzled in Raven's rambling. One fairly tan boy no more than eighteen shook his head, "No, that's Stiles. He's my best friend; he'd never hurt you. I promise." Raven skeptically examined the boy- he had a slightly uneven jaw, chocolate colored eyes with a small scar under the left one, and gelled up brown locks. She didn't know what it was about this boy, but he had this calming aura that made Raven want to trust him.

        She dropped her voice to dull whisper, still quite raspy, "Please, make him leave. I'll talk if he leaves." Tears glistened in the corners of her electric blue orbs, threatening to spill over, yet Raven never allowed them to fall.

        The one they called Stiles sighed loudly, defeat prominent on his features, "Alright, alright, I'm going." He took a few steps before pivoting back to the table abruptly, causing Raven to lean backwards away from him. Stiles opened his mouth to spit out a comment, but shut it again once he caught sight of Raven's petrified expression. The boy exhaled, pouting like a child, then led himself out of the room, slamming the metal door behind him.

        An older dark-skinned man in a lab coat smiled warmly at the frightened girl in front of him, "Hello, I'm Dr. Deaton, can you tell me your name?"

        "Raven," she replied monotonously. "Where am I?"

        "This is my animal clinic, we're here to help you," Dr. Deaton told Raven, the smile never even faltering. "Can you tell me a little about yourself?"

        Raven wringed her hands together nervously, still decided whether to trust these men or not, "I-I was in Eichen House, but I escaped."

        "You escaped from an insane asylum?," another male- very muscular with a shadow of stubble across his face- raised his eyebrows. "We have to take you back."

        "No!," she cried out, clasping onto his forearm. "I'm not crazy. My cold hearted mother put me there when I was ten, but I'm not crazy." Raven leaned deathly close to the men as if someone might hear her and whisk her back to Eichen. "I have these dreams. They always come true, always."

        Deaton crossed his arms and frowned with curiosity, "What did you see in your dreams?"

        Raven wet her lips with her tongue, eye darted all over the room, "I get a new one every once in a while, but they usually last a year or so. The first dream I had when I was ten; I was trapped in a house with a man and his family. They all burned to death in a fire. My next dream came a few years later. I was being chased by this monster. It was terrifying- walking on both on all fours and like a human with shaggy black fur and huge paws, but the most petrifying feature was its vibrant red pupils. He would speak in this shrill voice saying, So you thought a little fire could stop me?, then laugh a mocking, blood thirsty laugh. After that, I dreampt of a new hero. I could never see his face, but I could sense his nobility; he would be able to overcome all of the evils thrust upon him and stay pure- that dream was my favorite. However, it was shorter than the other, it only lasted a few months. I dreampt of a reptilian creature with bright yellow eyes, a long tail, and razor sharp claws, but that doesn't even compare to my most recent dream. Him," Raven pointed the boy outside the door, spitting hatred into the word. "It's definitely him, he's going to kill us all. You have to trust me; he's absolutely evil, and if he's not now, he will be soon."

        When she finally finished her story of the dreams, Raven noticed that all of their faces were bleak of expression and considerably paler than when she had started, "What?"

        "Raven everything you just said, except for the last part about Stiles, did come true. We know because it happened to us. We can't turn you in to Eichen House because we need you! You can help us figure this out! Did you see anything in your dreams about a threefold death?," the younger boy pressed, scanning over Raven's appearance.

        She slowly shook her head, a stray strand of jet-black hair falling onto her face, "What's a threefold death?"

        "Nothing, you can stay at my loft tonight," the muscular man with stubble offered.


        He clenched his jaw, obviously irritated with Raven's stubbornness, "What do you mean no?"

        "I mean no," she folded her arms over her chest, glaring at the man. "I don't trust you, I trust him." Raven jutted a finger towards the youngest of the men in the room. "I'll stay with him as long as he doesn't have the evil one there too. Only him."

        The boy nodded vigorously, a faded redness appearing on the tips of his ears, "Y-Yeah sure, you can stay with me." He glanced down at his watch briefly, eyes springing open at the time, "We have to leave now, or else my mom will literally murder me." Raven carefully slid off of the table, following the boy out of the room, being sure to stand behind him whenever we they in a vicinity of Stiles. "I'm Scott by the way."

        "Well, thank you, Scott- for everything," Raven looked up at him graciously, freezing in her tracks at the sight of his vehicle. "We're riding that?," she flickered his eyes over his green motorcycle parked in the street. 

        Scott flashed the girl a playful grin, "Unless you want to ride in the jeep with Stiles." Without anymore questioning, Raven strapped on a helmet, and swung one leg over the side. "Hold on!," he yelled to her, revving up the engine. Raven tightened her grip around Scott's torso, squeezing her shut until the two arrived at Scott's home. "We have to be really quiet," Scott whispered, taking Raven's hand and leading her up the staircase. Scott left for a brief moment, giving Raven time to admire his room- dark blue walls, a pull-up bar in the bathroom, and endless stacks of books littering the ground. He returned with women's clothing, "Here, I got this from my mom's room. You can change in the bathroom."

        Raven nodded stiffly, trudging to the white tiled bathroom. Taking in her own appearance, she tilted her head staring in the mirror; she felt as if she hadn't seen her reflection in decades although it hadn't been merely a few hours. Thick black hair hung like a curtain, shielding the majority of her face, only snowy pale skin and daring blue pupils showing through. Dark circles made her eyes look sunken in and exhausted. Raven tore her gaze from the relflection, stripping off the clothes from her former 'home'. Tugging on the large, baggy sweatpants and tee shirt that Scott had given her, she returned to the bedroom. The boy was already passed out on a makeshift bed make out of multiple blankets on the ground next to the actual bed. Raven smiled gratefully to herself, beaming with joy that she might finally have a chance at life. However, she knew that these people were no more normal than Raven herself, which was all the more exciting.

      Raven then drifted off into the usual nightmare-filled dreams that made her blood run cold; only this time, one thing stood out to her more than anything else: Stiles' eyes.

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