[she dreams of death.]

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        "Please," Raven begged, tearing her throat raw with the word, and spraying specks of rich blood on the white tiles beneath her. "Please don't do this!" A wave of pain shot through her leg, crippling the girl as she crashed onto the floor.

        The boy, whom she now knows as Stiles, stepped forth, letting out a sadistic laugh as Raven scuttled into the corner. "Raven; poor, innocent, Raven. Except you're not so innocent, are you?"

        "SHUT UP!"

        "NO!," Stiles grabbed Raven by her throat and slammed her into wall she was formerly using as support . He leaned in, cold, lifeless lips brushing the tips of her ears as he whispered, "I've waited a thousand years to be free, you'll never beat me; you have no chance of winning. I'm going the kill everyone you know! YOU'RE NOTHING! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU ANYWAY!" 

        Raven wiped her mouth, smearing ruby blood that contrasted with her pale skin across her cheek, "Go to hell."

        "Okay," Stiles grinned micheviously. "Save me a spot." The world moved in slow motion as her own petrified scream ripped trough the air as Stiles raised his sword. She couldn't look away, his face was mesmerizing, yet  intensely terrifying; the reflection of flames burned in his eyes with pure evil, still so beautiful that she couldn't look away.

                              However, these weren't Stiles' eyes. For, the pupils were pitch black

        Raven's scream tore through the air like a bullet, echoing off every wall in the McCall house. She was covered in cold sweat, tears streaming down the side of her face as she hugged her knees to her chest. Shaking and shivering wiht fear, she clutched onto her Scott with all of her strength when he sprinted over.

        "Raven, what happened? Did you have another dream?," he asked softly, rocking the frightened girl back and forth while stroking her long hair. 

        Raven stared up at the boy while never loosening her grip on him, "S-Stiles, it was Stiles!"

        "What did Stiles do?"

        "He killed me," the refugee's eyes glazed over with lack of emotion. "And he's going to kill you, too. 


        "I still don't understand why we have to take her to Deaton, right now. Can't it wait?," Stiles' voice rang out over the cellphone.

        "Beacause, so far, everything she's seen in her dreams has come true! I know you would never hurt us, but maybe it's a metaphor or something!"

        "A metaphor?! Are you serious right now?!"

        "Look, all I know is that this girl can basically see the future, and she's saying that you're going to kill everyone we know! I'm not accusing you of anything, but this has to be some sort of warning; Deaton might be able to help us."

        "No," Raven snapped, showing no trace of emotion other than aggravation. "We need to see somebody else. He can help us."

        Stiles' spastic tone could be heard once again, "Who?!

        "The man from my first dream. The man who was burned nearly to death, the alpha."

        Scott bunched up his eyebrows, "Peter? Peter's not the alpha anymore, and he's evil; he can't help us."

        "Peter Hale is the only one who can help us; the only one who can help me."

        "There's no freaking way we're going to see the psychotic, vengeful, werewolf that tried to murder everyone in this entire town!"


        "I can't believe we're seeing Peter freaking Hale," Stiles grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

        Raven glared icy dagger at the boy's skull, hatred flaring in her electric blue eyes, "Well, I'm just trying to save your friends."

        "Oh really? Telling them that I'm evil- which I'm clearly not- is helping? I mean, come on, look at me! I weigh, like, 147 pounds, who am I going to hurt?!"

        Scott cleared his throat, using a mature tone, "Stop fighting with her, Stiles." 

        He gave his friend an utterly shocked and offended look, "I didn't do anything! She hates me for no reason!" Scott completely ignored the comment, and knocked on the steel door between Derek's loft and the trio of teenagers.

        "What do you want this time?," a middle aged man with slight stuble and moussy brown hair grunted upon sight of Scott and Stiles. Raven immeadiately noticed his keen senses and resemblence to the man Derek she'd met yesterday; she concluded that this was Peter Hale, the werewolf they were looking for.

        "We need your help," Scott asked, pressing his lips together with raised eyebrows.

        He rolled his eyes, "Yeah? You and every beta in town, come on in."

        They were then led into a fairly large loft with an array of windows on the back wall and a swirled staircase that coiled around itself into the second floor; Raven's dirty sneakers squeaked against the shining metal floor. "I see the burns have healed nicely," Raven commented, bobbing her head as she studied him.

        Peter's head whipped up in confusion, "Who are you?"

        "This is Raven," Scott walked up beside, standing in between Peter and the mysterious girl, yet he still tried to sneak glances at her. "She's the reason we need your help."

        "We were kind of busy," a young boy snapped from behind them. He was sat on a desk with Derek Hale, but as soon as he laid eyes on Raven, his anger melted away. The boy threw on a flirtatious smirk, "Isaac. And who might you be?"

        Stiles cut in, rolling his eyes, "We literally just explained that."

        Raven squirmed under Isaac's vision, "Can Peter just help us? I know he's the only one who can."

        "I still have no idea what you are, so why don't you just tell me?," Peter inquired, shoving both Scott and Isaac out of the way to get to Raven. 

        "I have these dreams, they're hard to explain. I get a new dream every once in a while that shows me a glimpse of the future. I didn't know that they were true until I met them," Raven gestured to Scott and Stiles. "Everything that I've drempt about has happened to them, and I need to know why."

        "That's it? That's all you came here for? A little explanation of your powers?," he folded his arms over his chest with a bored expression.

        "No, there's more. I drempt of Stiles last night."

        Scott added on, "It's true! She woke up all clammy and covered in cold sweat!"

        Isaac crinkled his nose in disgust, "Ew, that's disgusting! I don't want to hear about your...dreams about Stiles!"

        "You really are an idiot, aren't you Isaac?," Derek gritted his teeth. "Continue Raven."

        "I-I  drempt that Stiles killed me and everyone that you know. It's going to happen, make no mistake about it," Raven eyed the werewolves that surrounded her.

        Peter's face was filled with its default set of annoyance mixed and dashes of curiousity and confusion, "Then what do you want my help with?"

        "You're going to find out when and why he's going to torture the supernaturals of Beacon Hills," she paused, taking in a deep breath. "And then you're going to stop him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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