Chapter Two: Ruber

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{Possible trigger warnings: incorrect pronouns/misgendering, threats, physical mutilation/manipulation (magic sh*t)

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

The windows of the dining room shattered, flaming arrows thunking into the heavy wooden table. Talyn screamed and Julianna flinched backwards, looking around wildly.

One of the servants, a young man named Terrence, ran forward to put out the projectiles. The table was ancient and probably impervious to fire at that point, but it couldn't hurt to get rid of the immediate threat.

"Knock, knock." A voice rumbled from the door as men began to pour into the house. Julianna gathered up her servants behind her, standing boldly as an individual in terrifying armor stepped into view.

"Who are you? How dare you enter my home!"

"Julianna. Such a pleasure."

The figure lifted his helmet, revealing a face that could be considered handsome, if the viewer only looked at half of it. The other half was scarred and disfigured.

"Dorrian." Julianna snarled, pushing her servants a little farther behind her.

"I was in the neighborhood." Dorrian grinned, his good eye twitching just a little. "Thought I'd pay a visit... how about a kiss?"

He loomed up in front of the small woman, and as he leaned down towards her, Julianna spit in his face. Dorrian stumbled backwards a pace, wiping his hand across the wet spot.

"Impertinent pig." Julianna glared at him. "Get out."

"Tsk tsk... as much as I enjoy your sweet pet names, darling, I'm here to enlist you." Dorrian lifted the shield that hung above the mantle, eyeing it. "I've heard we came so far as a civilization, but why not let some good old darkness from the bad days back in? Knights trembling before evil unbound... chaos throughout the land. That's my idea of fun, wouldn't you agree?"

He flung the shield like some huge frisbee across the room, and Julianna slapped her hands down on it to stop it's motion on the other end of the table. 

"Madman." She spat.

"It's just the beginning, dear." Dorrian laughed. "And you're going to be the spearhead."

"I'd rather die." 

"Oh, pretty Julianna." He drew his sword, carving out one of the portraits in the tapestry on the wall. "I think you'll find it rather hard to resist!"

As he sliced the body from the portrait's head, two of Dorrian's men dragged Patton into the room.

"Mother!" Patton wrenched his arms forward, trying to free himself. He was so focused on getting away that he barely even registered his mother gasping his old name in response.

As Dorrian turned back to further threaten Julianna, Patton managed to get one of his arms loose. He leapt forward and grabbed the ugly mace one of his captors carried, trying to bring it down on Dorrian's head.

Dorrian twisted and grabbed the weapon, leering and dragging Patton's face in closer to his.

"Do what I say, Julianna, and your daughter doesn't get hurt."

Patton and his mother were dragged out to the courtyard. Ruber climbed up onto the stack of crates by the back door.


He cackled wildly and leapt off, pointing around at what was around them.

"This will all be mine."

Dorrian spun to face Julianna and Patton. "I have a plan, dearest Julianna, and you're going to lead me to Camelot for it. My men will all hide in the backs of the wagons, and they'll open the gate for your lovely face. Now!"

He withdrew a vial from his cloak. Patton narrowed his eyes at it, not trusting the strange green glow it emitted.

"Watch me created the most advanced army you'll ever see in your miserable lives! Men of steel, with bones made of iron!"

Patton yelled out a protest as Dorrian grabbed the small rooster. He dripped the vial on the creature and steam rose from it.

"This potion was given to me by witches, and it will transform anything I put together with it. Behold!"

Dorrian hurled the rooster into the well he was standing next to, throwing a small hand-axe after it. There was an explosion, a puff of smoke, and a screech.

Laughter bubbled up from the madman's chest as a creature burst forth from the smoke. "Bladebeak!"

Patton stared in horror. His little rooster had turned into something that was not entirely alive anymore. It had an axe for a beak, and what looked like the beginnings of mail dripping down along it's body.

"What the hell?" He heard his mother whisper.

"Step right up, gentlemen!" Dorrian roared to his team, dripping more of the potion into the well. "This will take your sickness, turn it into strength! Into iron! Steel! Into the water, quickly, and become an army for me!"

He booted another one of his men into the water, tossing in two huge mace-chain weapons in afterward. The man came exploding back out of the water looking like a strange metal creature, the arms of which were those weapons.

Patton whimpered, twisting his arm in his captor's grip. He could see his mother doing the same.

As Dorrian coaxed more of his men into the well to become their new selves, the man holding Patton's arm began to snicker and stepped forward, letting go of him. Patton slapped his now free hand over his mouth to muffle his gasp.

Immediately his mother's hand was on his stomach, pushing him backwards gently. One of Dorrian's other men, already changed, was moving towards them but not looking in their direction.

"Go to Camelot." Julianna breathed over her shoulder, offering her arm in place of Patton's. The man who took it with his now sickle looking claws didn't even notice. "Warn the king."

"I'm not leaving you." Patton whispered back, stepping until he was at the wall. They were right next to a crack in the old stones that he'd be able to squeeze through easily.

"Go, Kayley."

Patton twitched at the name and took a deep breath.

They might die today. This was his last chance.

"I prefer Patton." He whispered before disappearing between the huge stones in the wall.

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