The Prince's Arrival

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*8 Months Later*

You woke up quietly to see Lexi still asleep. You lifted the blanket carefully and saw her fully developed pregnant form and was expected to give birth at any day now. You kissed Lexi's tummy and then her lips until you got up and looked at the scars on your arm and knee from the surgery. You rubbed them and shook your head before heading downside and started to make breakfast when the dogs and Larry Steve came over to you.

You: Goodmorning you crazy critters.

You patted all of their heads and continued to make breakfast for you and Lexi until you heard the bedroom door open as you see your pregnant wife carefully making her way downstairs and couldn't help, but feel bad for her.

You: Goodmorning

Lexi: Goodmorning

Lexi sat down as you kissed her.

Lexi: I barely slept last night.

You: I was gonna say, you look....

Lexi: Terrible?

You: I was gonna say exhausted.

You then turned and finished making breakfast as you served Lexi her veggie omelet and poured her some orange juice.

Lexi: Thank you. This looks great.

You then put your omelet on a plate and poured yourself some orange juice and joined Lexi.

Lexi: I invited Becky and Fergal over today for a visit. They want to see how I'm progressing with this.

You: It'd be good to have some company over, I mean, it's been a couple months since we had company with me getting my knee brace off.

Lexi: At least the cuts on your face are gone though.

You: Yeah, but the scars on my body tell a different story.

You and Lexi talked for a while longer while you two ate breakfast and later spent the day with Finn and Becky.

*Later that Night*

It was around 3 in the morning when you woke up to the sound of screams to see Lexi in pain.

Alexa: Y/N!

You: Lexi? What is it?

Alexa:........ the baby's coming!!

You: Shit! Alright, let me get everything ready!

You sprung from bed and got Lexi's bag ready when you suddenly helped Lexi up from bed and got her downstairs to the car as quick as possible.

Lexi: Y/N! The bag!

You: I'll be right back!

You ran back into the house and grabbed Lexi's bag and both of your phones before getting in the car and drove quickly to the closest hospital.


You and Lexi arrived to the hospital and got all the paperwork taken care of as the doctor and nurses all wheeled Lexi into a room while you followed close behind them. After getting Lexi, in a room, the doctors and nurses all went to work quickly.

Lexi: This is it.

You: Try not to think about it. I'll be with you the whole way through.

*4 Hours Later*

Lexi grasped onto your hand tightly when she was about to give birth.

Doctor: Ok Lexi, we've done all we can! It's time to push!

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