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U know when your teacher asks you a problem out of straight confusion? Like, she's not testing you, she just doesn't know it? That happens so much in my math class. My teacher gives us notes and then expects us to learn from the notes. I get it that we're honors students, but she has to actually teach before giving us assignments and tests.


For example, this is how it went a couple of weeks ago:

Teacher: Do you guys know how to do this?

Everyone: what?! why don't you know this?

Teacher: *Looks up how to do it*

Teacher: Oh, so that's how you do it. *Goes into an explanation, while I'm trying to take notes on her.* Do you guys understand this now?

Everyone: No.

Teacher: Well, you guys should've been paying attention because we have a quiz on it tommorow. Also, here's your homework.


One time, a student had to teach her how to do something. Now that is sad.

And she's also really rude to us. She gave us assigned seats one day and then the next, she moved us back because a girl was asking her friend for her pen back. She really needs to be fired or retired like my other ELA teachers.

BTW, I've had three ELA teachers during this school year.

𝐓𝐄𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐒, 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹Where stories live. Discover now