1: It's Not Easy

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"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The shouting of drunk college kids fills her ears, the adrenaline rushing through her veins as Blake drops the now empty beer can to the ground. Cheers follow suit, several drunk frat boys high-fiving her and shouting congratulations like it were a huge feat.

As pretty much everyone's already drunk, they're easily amused. But Blake had also just done something the Kappa Sigma boys found impressive.

"Dude!" Chad laughed, elbowing one of his frat brothers. "She broke Dolan's record."

"Someone get him out here!"

"He might be upstairs with someone already, but we'll go look."

Blake lets her eyes widen, snorting as the group around her chatters loudly. Breaking a record for shotgunning a beer wasn't exactly on her list of plans tonight, but the excitement in the air was contagious. She wasn't big on drinking beer anymore, but someone was egging her on so she had to give it a go.

Ryan wraps his arm around her shoulder, "How'd you get so good at that, B?" Blake only shrugs with an innocent smile on her face. "I've known you for a couple years now and you still surprise me all the time. We gotta hangout more."

Ethan Dolan walks toward the backyard, cocking an eyebrow at the girl upon first seeing her. He thought his frat brothers were bullshitting him.

His eyes scan her, an obvious smirk on his face as his gaze pauses on her cleavage. A small bit of beer had dripped down onto it, glistening in the light. If they were bullshitting him, it was worth it to come outside just to check her out. His mind is running rampant thinking of ways to get her to bend over so her skirt might ride up.

He's seen her at parties, in a few classes, but she's never really caught his eye. It was much easier to flirt with sorority girls he was around all the time. She was someone who was around a lot, but Ethan never concerned himself with her before. They ran in adjacent circles, they had a few overlapping friends, but not enough for it to matter. For Ethan to think of her more often than a small acknowledgement in passing would require him coming up for air once in a while, and he hasn't until right now.

Blake doesn't really notice Ethan checking her out, because she's doing the same.

Now, he doesn't have a reputation for being the nicest guy, but he also isn't known as a complete asshole. He's cocky, sure, but generally was known as fun and kind, if not a little obnoxious sometimes. She doesn't feel bad about checking him out or thinking he was attractive.

He has a yellow Hawaiian shirt on--fitting the theme of the party--and his dark hair is tucked under a white hat, on backwards. Small, wavy locks stick out the sides. The shirt is unbuttoned almost all the way, showing off his toned abs, and peaking out is a tattoo on his ribs.

Speaking of tattoos, they're littered all along his legs, and the shorts he's wearing show them off well. One on his collarbone, a small few on his arms that stand out. Not to mention a few on his hands, that she could kind of see as he tossed a ping pong ball up in the air, his eyes still on her.

"You beat my record, chérie?"

Blake raises her eyebrows at the nickname--was he even French? She doesn't think so, but where did it come from?

"I guess I did," she hums, crossing her arms. It only makes him stare at her chest more. Ethan doesn't bother trying to hide it. The confidence he has is almost admirable, save for the fact he's ogling her.

"She beat it by almost a whole second," Ryan laughs, reaching for the timer. It read 4.4. "Ethan's previous was--was 5.2."

Ethan's eyebrows furrow more, and he grabs the stopwatch. "Yeah, okay. But I can't trust you drunk idiots to work a stopwatch correctly. Chérie, I bet you couldn't do it again."

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