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Ryujin's POV

"Are you asking me on a date?" Yes I am.

"Uhh..." Y/n stood up from her chair. Damn it why does she have be taller than me.

"Are you asking me on a date, Shin Ryujin?" She smirked and took a step closer and I instinctively took a step back, turning my head away as I have gone a little red. Is it a date? I don't even know. I just want her to realize her talents that's all. "It's ok. I was only joking. I know you only want to see my play competively. Plus, going to the mall with someone as hot as you is pretty cool. So maybe I'll make it a date. You get to see me play and then you get a free lunch." She smiled and made eye contact with me.

And then she kissed me.

On the cheek.

"I have to go help close the place. You can help if you want or wait for me." She stepped past me and heads downstairs.

I stood completely still. I slowly raise my hand to my cheek and felt it. It was still a little moist. I can't believe she did that.

I'm gonna have to do better.


Y/n's POV

I can not tell you where or how I got that much confidence in me to do what I just did.

As soon as I left the room I exhaled and felt super worn out. I'm never that confident EVER. And you can ask Soojin unnie, or Soyeon unnie, or literally anyone that knows about me.

I don't know what I did, or how I did it but it felt...great? I think? I don't know I don't normally have it in me to say that stuff.

Anyway, I head downstairs and sit at the front desk with Yuqi.

"Hey unnie. I just asked Ryujin on a date." I said nonchalantly, plopping myself on the chair next to her.

"YOU WHAT!?" She stood up with a shocked expression.

"Yeah me too. That's what I feel like right now." I pull out my phone and send '😋👍' to Ryujin and I smirk. I bet she'll come downstairs beet red.

"How did you ask her Y/n?" She dat back down and leaned forward a little.

"Well technically, she asked me to go to the mall with her BUT she only wanted me to go so that I could play in an open ToW pvp tournament. And then I was like, 'so it's not a date?' and then she was like 'maybe?' and then I was like, 'it's a date' and then I kissed her on the cheek and then came down here. And now I just sent this text see?" I pulled up the text message I just sent her and showed it to Yuqi.

She stared at me in astonishment, probably trying to comprehend how I, Seo Y/n, the most introverted person on the planet, can be so bold to not only ask someone out on a date, but also kiss them on the cheek.

"Awww my little Y/n/n is growing up~" Yuqi reached out and pinched my cheek.

"Shut uuuup." I grab her arm and force her away from my cheek. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and I look to see Ryujin slowly walking down but also looking down while hiding her face a little. Usually she's really confident and stuff but seeing her all shy is really cute.

I'm not gonna lie I have grown a huge crush on her ever since I helped her with her assignment. There's just something about her that makes me feel really confident instead of the normal shy and secluded person I am. You know what I mean? Like there's just people who aura lifts people into being more social and confident you know? She's like that.

And I love that about her.

"What're you thinkin about?" I snap out of my thoughts and see that Ryujin is leaning over the front desk and smiling at me. I love her smile too.

"I wasn't thinking about anything." I looked away shyly and started to blush.

"Y/n/n, I've known you for three months and I now have some sort of idea of how you look like when you're thinking or concentrating on something. You do it all the tine when you're playing." I smirked knowing that I coukd easily turn it around.

"So you watch my face? Even with the mask on?" Ryujin's face turned tomato red.

"U-Uh...i-it's not like that. It's just...um." I smiled and got up from my seat.

"Cmon, let's go get something to eat. Mini date." I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the cafe. "Bye unnies we're going to eat!"

"They could have just eaten here..."



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