Chapter 13 (Episode 13)

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Episode 13

Having thought that her empty apartment meant that Jung-hyuk and the ducklings had returned to North Korea, Se-ri bursts into tears when it turns out they were only throwing her a surprise birthday party. She runs outside and Jung-hyuk follows her, and since she's embarrassed, he gives her a backhug and says that this day will always be a day when he's grateful that the person he loves is alive.

Jung-hyuk asks Se-ri if she's going to cry like that when he really does leave, but Se-ri says she won't. She tells him to go home soon, worried that he won't be able to if he's in South Korea for too long, and she assures Jung-hyuk that she has the resources to protect herself against Chul-kang or anyone else.

Inside, the ducklings are worried after seeing Se-ri cry for the first time. Man-bok mentions the time Se-ri missed her plane, and the others gape at him (Chi-soo: "Just how much did you listen to us??"). Man-bok goes downstairs to bring Jung-hyuk and Se-ri back inside, and he senses something sinister but doesn't see Chul-kang driving away.

Back upstairs, Se-ri tells the ducklings that she was just surprised. She accidentally complains about the old-fashioned cake, and everyone looks at Jung-hyuk, whose proud expression melts, ha. They light the candles and sing the North Korean version of "Happy Birthday," then Se-ri teaches them how to make a wish before they blow out the candles together.

Later, Jung-hyuk comes to Se-ri's room to give her a present. He's adorably shy about it, saying multiple times that it's no big deal, clearly feeling like it's a very big deal. Finally Se-ri just grabs his hand and pries it open, and finds a gold ring inside... awww, Jung-hyuk looks like he might throw up.

It's too big so Se-ri puts it on her thumb, but Jung-hyuk says that's his ring and hands her a smaller one. Couple rings! He puts the ring on her finger and Se-ri pouts that for a guy who's never dated, he's good at making a woman's heart flutter. She slides Jung-hyuk's ring onto his finger and says she'll always remember him, and why they're not kissing right now, I have no idea.

Up north, Dan's mother visits the village and runs into Wol-sook and Ok-geum. Wol-sook mentions that she saw a strange man going into the apartment meant for Dan and Jung-hyuk, but luckily Mom came armed with "keep quiet" gifts. She says the man is her nephew, Alberto, recently home after living in Europe, but the ladies immediately peg that as a lie.

Mom heads up to the apartment and runs into Seung-joon, who turns on the charm full-force. He explains that Dan got drunk and that he was about to bring her hangover soup, and he kneels to apologize for Dan's behavior.

Mom barely drags herself away from Seung-joon and goes to the bedroom to smack Dan awake. Seung-joon pokes his head in to invite Mom to dinner, and HA, she recognizes the side dishes that Dan stole from her own fridge. Mom asks Seung-joon what his relationship is with Dan, and he says honestly, "I have a crush on Dan. I know she is engaged to another man."

Her mother asks why he likes her, and he lists her "disciplined sternness and noble elegance." Mom gives Seung-joon the stink-eye, but in private she tells Dan that she likes him. Dan insists that there's nothing between them, and that she still intends to marry Jung-hyuk when he returns from (they think) the DMZ.

Back in Seoul, Jung-hyuk locates Chul-kang's lackey, Manager Oh. He gives Manager Oh a painful neck-pinch for arranging a meeting then sending thugs to beat him up. Manager Oh admits that he's not loyal to the people he connects, and Jung-hyuk says that he doesn't need loyalty, just answers to his questions.

Meanwhile, Se-ri asks Man-bok about their scheduled return with the World Military Games athletes in a few days. Man-bok confirms that Jung-hyuk's father took a big risk setting it up and that Jung-hyuk won't be safe if he misses the bus, and Se-ri says that Jung-hyuk has to go back no matter what.

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